Bane Bug in Mobile Legends, Destroy the Tower Fast (ML)

Himself can destroy towers even without minions. This makes Bane very strong and can do end fast with ease. You can get this with his skillset, emblem, and items.

After Bane got his revamp, many opinions were mixed between joy and hate. But many don’t know about the Bane Mobile Legends bug. This allows him to melt the tower quickly. Himself can destroy towers even without minions. This makes Bane very strong and can do end fast with ease. You can get this with his skillset, emblem, and items.

Bane Bug in Mobile Legends

The high damage from Bane to the tower comes from many factors. The most important thing is his passive skill which gives bonus damage when using skills, stack up to two times.

Bane will attack AoE by rotating his body. This area is wide enough for its reach and has high damage. This high damage is what you need to destroy the tower.

What you need to prepare is Bane, item damage, and the Mage Killer talent assassin emblem. With this, the tower will be destroyed very quickly. For those of you who are curious about the Bane Mobile Legends bug, see below.

From the build item, you must use Malefic Roar for this high damage. Apart from that, damage items like Blade of Despair are also important. It is recommended to use these two items.

Then you use the assassin emblem, Mage Killer. You almost have to bring this emblem because it gives bonus damage to objectives. One of them is a tower that you can get 20% bonus damage.

You need to have your 2 passive stacks which can be easily obtained from using skills. Just spam your skills to get the two stacks. Then you just go to the tower and auto attack.

It depends on what tower you need, but usually it only takes one to four hits depending on the shield, minion, and tier tower you hit. The damage he had was really high.

With this build you can destroy towers even without minions! If there are minions, maybe you can just hit the tower once to just destroy it because the damage is too high.

That’s the Bane Mobile Legends bug that you can use. With high damage, you can easily make your opponent hassle. The high damage is suitable for those of you who want to push and then win. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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