Beautiful! Kagura Gets New Epic Skin Mobile Legends (ML)

It doesn't stop there, Kagura will get a revamp on September 21, 2021, after which he will also have his newest Epic skin.

Mobile Legends keeps on presenting the latest skins for the players’ favorite heroes. One of which is Kagura who will get a new, super beautiful Epic skin. It doesn’t stop there, Kagura will get a revamp on September 21, 2021. After which he will also have his newest Epic skin.

Kagura is indeed famous for its skin that has a beautiful face that can anesthetize its players. Especially male players who crave waifu in the Mobile Legends game.

In the latest revamp update, Kagura’s basic skin also gets a change that is even more beautiful. Not only that, there is a normal Flower Season skin which also has an equally beautiful face.

Kagura’s most popular skin is Cherry Witch which is her special skin. There is also a skin for Summer Festival which is also her special skin.

No less cool is his Epic Limited skin called Soryu Maiden and then the Rainy Walk skin which is the newest and last Starlight skin released for Kagura.

Kagura’s Latest Epic Skin Appearance After Revamp Mobile Legends

Above is the appearance of Kagura’s latest Epic skin which has beautiful and very elegant visuals. Unfortunately, this skin doesn’t have a name yet, but it will most likely be an Epic skin that you can buy through the Shop.

Of all the skins owned by Kagura. Currently none of Kagura has an Epic skin that can be obtained at a price of 899 diamonds like those of other heroes.

It is Moonton’s habit to present skins in a certain order. At least every hero who has Normal, Elite, Special, Epic, Epic Limited/Collector and Legend skins and others.

For Kagura’s skin, Epic 899 diamonds are still not available. So it is very likely that the skin above will be released to complement the current skin.

A beautiful and elegant visual appearance is the main attraction of Kagura’s hero. Besides the appearance, the skills of this one hero are no less great. Let’s call it Lemon who is the best player in playing Kagura.

Not only that, with the latest revamp released this month making Kagura the awaited hero, the skill change in the revamp will make Kagura a very OP hero.

Unfortunately, until now there is no information regarding the release date of the Epic Kagura skin, but it is very likely that this skin will be released after the Kagura hero is revamped. Maybe release in October.

So what do you think? As a Kagura user, of course, you will be looking forward to the release of this skin, the Kagura skin Epic will be an alternative to the Shoryu Maiden skin which is an Epic skin but is limited. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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