Best Charge Heroes Mobile Legends (ML)

On this occasion, a row of assassin heroes with charge specialists in the Mobile Legends game.

The charge Hero in Mobile Legends are usually heroes who have high mobility. This mobility can be used for many things, such as opening teamfights, chasing enemies, or running away from enemies. The Best Hero Charge in Mobile Legends can take advantage of their agility to play. On this occasion, a row of assassin heroes with charge specialists in the Mobile Legends game.

With a hero charge, at least your game will be a little easier because you will have better control maps. Teams that don’t have a good control map will be very easy to beat, especially from teamfight and gank.


Ling is a mobile legends assassin role that is very difficult to catch and you will use many ways to just kill Ling. Can jump far into walls, can move places quickly, can run away also chase escape easily, and others. Ling is the fastest hero right now if he has enough energy.


Fanny is the hero who has the highest mobility besides Ling. This hero is indeed quite difficult to use but if you can take advantage of his cable skills, Fanny can move very fast and is very difficult to catch. Being able to chase enemies from a distance is Fanny’s advantage.


Hayabusa is a mobile legends hero who can enter, kill heroes, then escape in a very fast vulnerable time. It is also very difficult for him to be killed or captured because Hayabusa can move continuously to his shadow.


Grock does only have one skill charge not far away, but remember that Grock is an initiator. Grock’s hit skill is very deadly if used properly, for example being hit into a wall. Deadly damage that can even kill an enemy with one hit is a common occurrence.


Helcurt’s skill charge and mobility is the Best Hero Charge in Mobile Legends which is made to play very aggressively. With dangerous jumping skills to initiate combos and silence, Helcurt can also run very fast to escape or chase enemies. It’s quite dangerous if it’s left alone.


Lancelot is an assassin hero who has the best skill charge which is very painful in Mobile Legends. Lancelot’s dash skill can be used continuously, as long as it hits different targets and is not hit by the skill more than once. Lancelot can continue to move quickly while dealing deadly high damage.


Natalia is a hero role mobile legends assassin who has a strange skill charge. Natalia’s skill charge is in her passive skill which is active when she disappears from the bush. In addition, Natalia is very fast in terms of MVSPD.

Those are the 7 best hero charges in Mobile Legends who are very strong and deadly. Although generally these heroes are assassins, some fighters and tankers also have this specialty. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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