Best Strongest Khufra Build Mobile Legends (ML)

On this occasion, Esportsku will provide the strongest Khufra build that you can use in the Mobile Legends game. Now for those of you who are Tank users, you must refer to the following review.

Khufra is one of the best Tank heroes in the last few seasons in Mobile Legends. Now for those of you who want to try playing it, use the strongest and best Khufra build below. On this occasion, Esportsku will provide the strongest Khufra build that you can use in the Mobile Legends game. Now for those of you who are Tank users, you must refer to the following review.

Khufra has the ability to stop the movement of agile opponent heroes, this one hero is very strong in countering all heroes in Mobile Legends, especially for heroes Fanny, Hayabusa and Ling.

Here are some of the strongest Khufra builds that you can try in the Mobile Legends game. Surely this build will make Khufra very strong when played.

Tough Boots

First, you can use Though Boots, which are shoe items that can give you Magic Resistance. This is very suitable for use in early games to fend off hero mages.

As you know, the mage hero himself is usually one of the early game heroes who has great damage. Therefore, use Though Boots to solve it.

Courage Mask

Next, to add additional movement speed so that Khufra can roam you can use the Courage Mask. This item can provide movement speed and active skills in the form of a rage similar to the Minotaur hero.

Cursed Helmet

You can use Cursed Helmet to increase Magic Defense and give you the ability to clear lane. You can use it in the early game to help you clear waves. Of course, it allows you to withstand creeps quickly.

Athena Shield

In the mid game, there will usually be many opponent heroes who already have a large Magic Damage. That’s why you can use the Athena Shield to overcome it.

Athena Shield can allow you to get a Shield that can withstand Magic Damage. This item is a must-use item for Tank heroes.


Next, you can use immortality, which is an item with the ability to reset or revive when you have lost.

By using Immortality you will get a second chance when you have defeated and of course this is very helpful, especially for you Tank users in Mobile Legends.

Antique Cuirass

Finally, you can use Antique Cuirass which has a high Armor ability and can withstand the marksman hero attacks during the late game.

Which is when the late game itself starts to be controlled by a marksman or hero assassin, that’s why you can use Antique Cuirass to counter it.

Now that’s the strongest and best Khufra build line that you can use in the Mobile Legends game. Hopefully the reviews above can help you find the right build for the Khufra hero. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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