Build Moskov ML Items Sick Season 16 Mobile Legends, 100% Critical!

Moskov is one of the troublesome marksmen and will be very sick when he is in the mid game until late game. This time we will provide a review of the Moskov build items in the meta season 16 Mobile Legends. For those of you who are looking for a build of Moskov items to get hurt, we have a recommendation!

Moskov is one of the heroes in Mobile Legends that belongs to the Marksman role.  By using Build Item Moskov mobile legends 2020 you can count on attack speed and critical damage optimally.


 Moskov is one of the troublesome marksmen and will be very sick when he is in the mid game until late game.  To further optimize it, you can try building the latest moscov mobile legends items below.


 Build Moskov Items in Mobile Legends

 This time we will provide a review of the Moskov build items in the meta season 16 Mobile Legends.  For those of you who are looking for a build of Moskov items to get hurt, we have a recommendation!


 Swift Boots

 Swift boots became the first item that must be built by this Moskov hero.  Because it relies on attack speed, this item is perfect for Moskov.  Besides giving movement speed of +40 this item also provides attack speed of 15%.


 Raptor Machete

 Moskov is a marksman who is very quick to do jungling.  Therefore Moskov would be very suitable to use this machete raptor item.  After 15 stacks are collected then Moskov will get an additional true damage effect and in addition it will also get + 15% physical penetration and +30 physical attacks.


 Scarlet Phantom

 This one item is very mandatory for Moskov because it provides an additional physical attack of +30, gives an additional + 20% attack speed, and + 25% crit chance.  This passive skill item is also very useful for Moskov because any crit damage produced will be converted to attack speed.


 Surfing Fury

 Berserk’s Furry will provide additional crit damage for Moskov heroes.  This item is great when combined with a phantom scarlet.  Apart from this item Moskov will also get an additional +65 physical attacks and + 25% crit chance.


 Endless Battle

 Endless Battle is a very useful item for Moskov to add true damage effects.  Having previously gotten the additional effect of true damage from rapete machete, if combined with endless battle the true damage effect produced will be better.


 Wind of Nature

 Wind of Nature is the last item for Moskov as an item that serves to anticipate any burst damage to Moskov.  With this item Moskov will be immune to all physical damage that lasts for two seconds.  Of course with such passive skills will make it easier for Moskov to survive during late games.


 Battle Spell Moskov Mobile Legends

 Not only build items, you can also use the following Battle Spell so that Moskov is getting sicker and more terrible third used in Mobile Legends.



 Flicker is still a mainstay for most Moskov Mobile Legends users.  This Battle Spell is the best and can help Moscow when teamfighting on Mobile Legends.



 In addition to Flicker, Moskov can also use Aegis as a shield when gangled or teamfighted, with this spell, you can be more flexible when fighting.



 If you want to quickly level up and farm, you can also use retribution items that can help you get faster in terms of levels.


Moskov Mobile Legends Emblem Set

 Some emblem sets you can use to maximize Moskov in Mobile Legends.  So here are some emblem sets that you can use.


Custom Assassin Emblem

 As a dps hero, of course the Assassin emblem will be suitable for hero types like Moskov, you can choose the Bounty Hunter talent to add gold quickly by killing as many enemies as possible.


Custom Marksman Emblem

In addition, you can also use the Custom Marksman Emblem to increase Damage as well as Moskov’s Attack Speed.  Choose the best talent you can use and Moskov will be even worse when used.


How to Play and Gameplay Moskov Mobile Legends

 After all the preparations have been completed, we next discuss how to use and play with the best Moskov in Mobile Legends starting from the early game, mid game to late.


 In early game, you can choose bot lane as your first destination, after that, get the buff first, be it solo or both.  Oh yeah, you can unlock skill 2 first so you can get the buff alone.


 Then, do a clear lane and try to get gold from Klomang, you can rotate up to the mid lane to clear the wave when the midlaner goes to rank another lane.


 In mid mage, moskov will definitely be more so if you don’t feed a lot, here, you can gank and follow the rotation of the tank to attack the enemy.  Get as many kills as possible so that Moscow gets even more crazy.


 Moskov is perfect for teamfighting, his passive ability skills that are able to penetrate enemy defenses are very reliable when teamfight.  Therefore, focus on building to attack speed, critical and manifest so that Moskov can last a long time when fighting.


 In late games, of course Moskov will be very dangerous, as a marksman who is a carry in late games, you can play more aggressively but never play solo.  Try to always be covered by tanks and support and always follow the teamfight whenever it will make you easy to win the match.


 Now that’s an explanation of the build Moskov hurt in meta season now.  Please understand and try to apply in the game huh.  Feel the sensation of using the build items we have reviewed above.  Have a nice play!

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