Burst VS DPS Damage Mobile Legends

By understanding these types of damage you can at least play better. What is meant is that by understanding this type of damage, you can develop it further.

Burst vs DPS damage Mobile Legends. If we talk about Mobile Legends, it will certainly be very deep in terms of the mechanism. Although not as deep as other mobas but at least for beginners, it was quite intimidating for them. Damage is also quite difficult if we talk about two magical types and physical to deeper ones such as burst, DPS, DoT, and others.

By understanding these types of damage you can at least play better. What is meant is that by understanding this type of damage, you can develop it further. Whether it’s strategy, build items, hero selection, counters, and others. Therefore it is important to understand the mechanics of the game further.

This time we will talk about damage. When talking about damage it will be very long so let’s reduce the subject. We will discuss between burst and DPS which is better this time. Indeed, if you talk about this type of damage you will at least understand a little what is meant. Between bursts that have high damage quickly or DPS which have stable damage continuously.

It is very important to understand the two types of damage which can affect your game later. Not to mention that you can still develop these two types of damage further. Having a different base and different counters, of course these two damages are worth comparing.


Burst is a dangerous type of damage, especially in the early game. How not, with a strong burst even the opponent can die without a response. This is because the damage from burst is a high type of damage at a fast time. With this high damage, the damage will usually decrease later if the enemy doesn’t die.

Of course this type of damage has its drawbacks, such as if the enemy is too thick and you can’t kill them with bursts, it will be difficult to win. This is why hero burst is usually in the assassin and mage and their job is to target other squishy heroes. Their damage is fairly unstable but with a high start it is quite deadly.


DPS is short for damage per second. As the name implies, this type of damage will indeed rely on its own stability and consistency. Every second there will be damage that always comes out without stopping. Maybe it can go up or down if there are external factors, but usually not so high and still considered good.

The drawback is of course this type of damage. Interestingly, if the DPS hero is too squishy it will be easy to beat by the hero burst. DPS also sometimes loses if the enemy has a high enough heal and can beat your DPS number. But most of the DPS heroes in Mobile Legends are very high and very difficult to close.

Indeed, when talking about the two damage it is rather difficult to determine which one is the best. This is because depending on the situation and conditions, both of them can excel in various forms. Burst is indeed very superior when fighting weak and squishy heroes who can be killed quickly and DPS can excel against more sustainable heroes. But remember that usually DPS heroes in ML use critical which combines DPS with bursts.

That’s the comparison of Burst vs DPS damage in Mobile Legends. Of course there is nothing better and all of them have their respective advantages. But DPS in ML is more favored because it has good consistency even in the late game.

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