Competitors Hero For Ling in Mobile Legends (ML)

Not a fighter, now Ling has a rival in the form of an assassin hero like himself!

Ling has the highest mobility and agility during the team fight of all heroes in Mobile Legends. Naturally, Ling had received a nerf update from Moonton. Even after receiving nerf, Ling’s popularity never seemed to decline.

Often appearing as a mainstay assassin as well as a tire option, Ling is now starting to have rivals. Where before, dealing with Ling would depend heavily on Chou or Roger, now that’s not all.

Let’s look at the following discussion about heroes who are able to compete with Ling in the Land of Dawn!


Receiving a revamp update from Moonton, Natalia has indeed become much stronger. However, it did not take long for Natalia to be left behind. This assassin was initially less popular in the pro MPL ID scene because of its single target characteristics. Of course, using Natalia will have a high enough difficulty.

Reliable as support and even as an offlaner. Because Natalia has quite a lot of damage at level 1, coupled with her passive skill that silences her opponent. Not only that, the battle spell: execute is also very suitable for Natalia who is effectively a scout figure for core opponents in the early game. With this game play, Natalia as the single target is not a problem.

Due to Natalia’s presence it will divide the formation and concentration of the opponent. Natalia is also quite difficult to pick off because her ultimate skill is now able to make her invisible twice.


Previously, Helcurt also tended to be similar to Natalia. Where he served as an offlaner who was able to provide enormous damage at the beginning of the match. However, now Helcurt has become a mainstay as the core. By carrying retribution, Helcurt is very independent in farming in the jungle area. Not only that, Helcurt is also able to do a team fight earlier than Ling.

This is because Ling is unable to become a damage dealer without sufficient equipment. Overall, what made Helcurt and Natalia able to compete with Ling was their passive skill. The ability to provide a silence effect makes Natalia and Helcurt as assassin heroes who can become counters for other assassin heroes. That’s the discussion about Ling’s competing assassin heroes in Mobile Legends!

That’s all the Competitors Hero For Ling Mobile Legends that we have explained. Hopefully useful and can be a source of good references. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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