Discuss About Dangerous Missile Payload 2.0 PUBG Mobile

Weapons in the category of super weapons are dangerous sophisticated weapons. In the latest version of Payload 2.0 mode and here we will discuss it.

Payload 2.0 mode is one of the game modes available in the PUBG Mobile game. One of them is the missile and this time we will thoroughly discuss the dangerous missiles in PUBG Mobile’s Payload 2.0 mode in the following article. PUBG Mobile is a battle royale game that provides a complex and realistic gameplay.

We can also find the same details in game modes other than the Classic battle royale mode above. For example, in Payload mode which has been updated.  One of them is the existence of a missile weapon.


Discuss About Dangerous Missile Payload 2.0 PUBG Mobile


Missile Launcher Super Weapon in Payload Mode 2.0

If in the PUBG Mobile Classic battle royale mode, we recognize the category of weapons being underrated to meta because it is measured by the performance of the weapon, then in Payload 2.0 mode we will get to know the category of super weapons or super weapons.

In the latest version of Payload 2.0 mode, sophisticated weaponry is increasingly being reproduced. It’s all for creating a barbaric game. One of the super weapons available in Payload 2.0 mode is a missile launcher.


Drone With a Missile

One of the interesting innovations in Payload 2.0 mode is the presence of drones equipped with missile attacks. The dangerous drone is controlled by the player via the UAV Control Terminal. Through this tool the player can sit back and control the drone to flatten the enemy through missile attacks. There are only 8 missiles available with a flight time of 30 seconds.


Missile Can Attacks Target Helicopters

As we know that missile attacks work by targeting a specific object. Then the missile will continue to chase the object until it hits. Now this attack is not only useful for objects on the ground. also objects in the air such as helicopters.

Helicopters as one of the most followed vehicles in Payload 2.0 mode can submit to a missile attack. The missile rocket will chase the helicopter until it hits and detonates the air vehicle.

Even with the sophistication of battle information, the helicopter can detect the presence of missiles targeting. The only way for the player who is on the helicopter is to jump out of the helicopter.


Anti Missile Vest as Protection

If previously we discussed the ferocity of missile attacks in Payload 2.0 mode, this time we will discuss how to protect yourself from missile attacks.

Now in Payload 2.0 mode, there are many types of armor, vests, and helmets. These items have a level or level of quality of protection. One of the best is the provision of anti missile vests that can protect players from bomb blasts and missile attacks.

But don’t think you won’t die, if you use this vest. Like a vest in general, this anti missile vest also has a limit on its durability. Therefore, don’t be reckless even though you already wear the vest.


That’s a complete discussion of the dangerous missile attacks available in Payload 2.0 mode. As additional information that this season’s Payload 2.0 mode is available on weekends. Thank you!

PUBG Mobile