Ferxiic-style Jungle Rotation Tips in Mobile Legends (ML)

Your rotation will benefit your team. Especially if your team understands rotation and also has very strong communication, this can make it easier for the team to win.

Some people may have a little difficulty playing jungle from the point of their macro skills and gamesense. But there are Ferxiic-style jungle rotation tips that might help you later. As one of the best junglers, Ferxiic’s experience is huge. Your rotation will benefit your team. Especially if your team understands rotation and also has very strong communication, this can make it easier for the team to win.

Rotation is one of the most important things in Mobile Legends. Whatever your role, whatever your hero, you must understand and understand rotation. Especially if you play in high rank and pro scene.

Ferxiic-style Jungle Rotation Tips

In the video on the EVOS Legends Youtube channel, Ferxiic tries to give a few tips for playing jungle. One of the golden boys in MPL ID who plays with EVOS Legends certainly has a very professional point of view.

Ferxiic explains what rotation is and why it is so important. For him, rotation is important to provide assistance and backup to the team. As a jungle of course this is very important because you have to help lane control all your friends.

The first is to see how the team is doing, can they be helped or not. If you can’t help, just stay jungle.

Don’t forget to also give Ferxiic what heroes are required to rotate and are very strong in Mobile Legends. The heroes are Yi Sun-shin, Lancelot, and Ling. This is because they are fast farming and have mobility or map openers.

In a nutshell, Ferxiic advised junglers to read the situation and improve their game sense. Making decisions is not easy in a short time and junglers must be able to do this. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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