Franco, Hero Carry or Troll in Mobile Legends (ML)?

As a Tank hero, Franco is unique compared to other tank heroes. You could say that one hero is completely different from other heroes, but you can find it in other MOBA games, call it Pudge from the DOTA 2 game, of course the two heroes have quite similar display characteristics with similar skills. Now for those of you who are Mobile Legends gamers, consider the following about the Franco Mobile Legends hero.

Mobile Legends is one of the best MOBA games that has many heroes in it. One of them is Franco, this one hero is famous for being quite violent with a large body with deadly abilities; Many have questioned that Franco, Hero Carry or Troll in Mobile Legends (ML)? As a Tank hero, Franco is unique compared to other tank heroes. You could say that one hero is completely different from other heroes, but you can find it in other MOBA games, call it Pudge from the DOTA 2 game, of course the two heroes have quite similar display characteristics with similar skills. Now for those of you who are Mobile Legends gamers, consider the following about the Franco Mobile Legends hero.

Franco is one of the most popular tank heroes in Mobile Legends at the moment, especially with his special ability to hook opponents, Franco has become the best counter hero in Land of Dawn to date. Regarding Franco, here are some of Franco’s strengths and weaknesses in Mobile Legends.

Franco, Hero Carry or Troll in Mobile Legends (ML)?

Franco is arguably an unstable hero because we still often see that it is Franco who is good at bringing us to victory or who is indeed a burden on the team. You could say Franco is a tank that does not have a thick defense. There are even other Fighter heroes who are thicker than Franco.

Franco is a hero who is famous for his provocation skill, namely Iron Hook which can be combined with his Bloody Hunt “bite” which can suppress his opponent. If the hook hits the dealer’s damage, of course, your team will have a chance to win; However, if you are hit by an opposing hero tanker who has a large enough Crowd Control, your team will be the one to lose.

Franco is indeed a hero who relies on his Iron Hook, if it hits the opponent’s hero, it is very likely to win the match but if you never get hit and always miss then you have to think about it before using it.

Franco, Hero Carry or Troll in Mobile Legends (ML)?

He is also often used as a troll hero by several players who control his team. Franco is not actually a troll hero, but many people label him because Franco’s players are usually selfish. He can also annoy your jungler by constantly pulling buffs, usually the most toxic. Therefore Franco’s reputation was bad when the hero was made a Troll Hero.

Those are some explanations about Franco, you could say this hero is a carry or troll hero for your team in Mobile Legends. At this time Franco is indeed a Meta hero and is often a Banned subscription among the top ranks, therefore you must know Franco’s strengths and weaknesses in Mobile Legends. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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