Gift Shop Kung Fu Panda Mobile Legends (ML)

Look what gifts are popping up from here now. So that we can immediately receive the main prize and not be confused about choosing things like this in the game later.

Mobile Legends has released a lot of the latest very cool updates for you to try now. Because for the Kung Fu Panda Mobile Legends (ML) Shop Event Prize, it’s a confusing choice for you to see. As a good choice for players to specify, when viewing everything from here now. Look what gifts are popping up from here now. So that we can immediately receive the main prize and not be confused about choosing things like this in the game later.

Events that have appeared in the Mobile Legends game, we will immediately complete the mission for the main prize easily. Because to complete the mission that has appeared, it will be sent directly to the account for the prizes you will get later.

Gift Shop Kung Fu Panda Mobile Legends

The Kung Fu Panda Shop Event is available from August 20 – October 19, 2022, following the Draw Event that appears special from the Collaboration now. As a new gift that we really have to check now, there are many cool items that players must see before having them.

Deciding what kind of gift you want, so that later we can immediately collect the gifts right now. The appearance of Po the Dragon Knight, General Kai the evil Chi Expert and Lord Shen a cruel King who wants to master everything enter the Mobile Legends game.

And some of the Kung Fu Panda Event Shop Prizes that players can find in the Mobile Legends game right now :

  • Akai’s Skin – Kung Fu Panda (Dragon Warrior): 800 Jade Ornament.
  • Skin Ling – Lord Shen: 800 Jade Ornament.
  • Recall Effect Dragon Warrior Returns: 300 Jade Ornament.
  • Kill Dragon Warrior Into The Fray: 225 Jade Ornament notification.
  • Dragon Warrior Strikes Elimination Effect: 150 Jade Ornament.
  • Spawn Effect Dragon Warrior Arrives: 150 Jade Ornament.
  • Battle Emote “I’m The Dragon Warrior”: 32 Jade Ornaments.
  • Bubble Chat Kung Fu Panda: 1000 Jade Ornaments.

Of course with the present Kung Fu Panda Event Shop Gift, we can have all of that very well soon. As a good and interesting opportunity, so that you can immediately have the main prize that does appear in the game.

Esportsku can say that if you want to have a Kung Fu Hero Skin in Mobile Legends, you have to draw first to get the Jade Ornament. Then if you can immediately receive other additional prizes, so we can try it right away.

Gift Shop Kung Fu Panda Mobile Legends

It’s an option that you can do first, even one chance to get a Kung Fu Panda Mobile Legends Skin from here. You can even give the new skin to friends, as long as they have sufficient Jade Ornament requirements.

Everything that appears in this game is really cool and all good, make sure you don’t miss it altogether. So that we can immediately look cool when competing and show all these effects to the opponents you find.

Then for the Kung Fu Panda Mobile Legends (ML) Shop Event Prize, you can see everything right now to collect this. As a cool main prize with the element of exchanging a new token you can receive it and it is only limited in that event. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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