Hero Fighter ML With Spell Stun In Mobile Legends

Until now, Mobile Legends has had many heroes of different types, even this game is the best MOBA on Android. Moonton has developed this game quite well, even presenting various interesting events that give away free skins. There is a Hero Fighter ML with Spell Stun in Mobile Legends that you must apply

The heroes that have been released so far are quite interesting and cool. In fact, most of the new heroes that were released immediately became busy playing in ranked or classic mode. For example, like Cecilion and Carmila, just a few days after their release they both became banned subscriptions at Epic to Mythic Ranks.

This quite deadly ability and strength is indeed something you should be aware of. Even Cecilion himself, was said to be the Mage Version of Aldous. Because of Cecilion’s great damage, it is generated from the Stacks that you managed to collect. Each of these heroes will be equipped with a Build, as well as a Spell.

As we know, Spell is a skill that you can use in battle. Each Spell has different abilities, so there are several that are suitable for this hero.

This also applies to every Hero in Mobile Legends, one of which is the Mobile Legends Fighter Role .

Now, on this occasion, we will provide some information about the Hero Fighter that fits the Spell Stun.

Curious? Immediately, we refer to the explanation in the article below.

Hero Fighter ML With Spell Stun in Mobile Legends

  1. Balmond

Hero Fighter ML With the first Stun Spell that really fits this Spell is Balmond. As we know, this hero is quite old in the Mobile Legends game. Had experienced many changes, so that makes this hero pretty good.

Especially when using the Stun Spell, Balmond is able to deal massive damage if the enemy is successfully paralyzed. Skill 2 Balmond will make him spin and deal great damage, so combo this with a stun spell. As well as times being able to hit Ultimate easily, when using this spell.

  1. Hilda

Hero Fighter ML With the second suitable Spell Stun is Hilda, this Fighter with a large ax is indeed suitable for using this spell. This is because skill 2 and Hilda’s ultimate are capable of dealing great damage. Also, if the enemy is paralyzed with this spell you can deal great damage with skill 2.

Especially if Ultimate already has 10 Stacks, the resulting damage will automatically be even greater. To lure enemies, use Skill 1 to get closer to the enemy. Once he starts to get provoked, attack and then use Spell Stun. After that launch Skill 2 and Ultimate.

  1. Freya

Hero Fighter Mobile Legends With the next Stun Spell is Freya, this Fighter with quite barbaric strength finally gets a Revamp. Even after getting the Revamp, Freya excels even more when using Spell Stun. Because of this, because all of Hilda’s skills are quite close.

So you also have to be able to take the time to attack, if the spell succeeds in hitting the Enemy. Launch all attacks that are being stunned, so you can kill them quickly.

Because Freya herself still has a weakness in attacking enemies, which is easy to escape, then do it firmly. Mangkanya no wonder other to use the Spell Stun.

So, those are the 3 Hero Fighters who are suitable for using Spell Stun in Mobile Legends. How? Are you going to try one of these heroes?

That’s all, Thank you.