Hero Mage AoE With The Most Painful Damage in Mobile Legends (ML)

Here we will give 5 Mage ML AoE Damage which is very deadly if used by the right player.

In Mobile Legends, there are many types of mages that you can meet. Starting from mage burst, DoT, poke, control, and AoE damage. AoE damage mage is the most popular right now. Filling up almost all high tier mages in Mobile Legends for some reason. This time there is Mage ML AoE Damage in Mobile Legends that you should know.  Here we will give 5 Mage ML AoE Damage which is very deadly if used by the right player.

The thing that makes them so powerful and popular these days is because of the meta in their favor. AoE damage mage with CC tank and initiator as well as marksman poke that many people have.


Valir is an AoE mage who is perhaps the sickest in Mobile Legends. Because he is also included in the poke, burst, and DoT categories. He is very deadly, especially when his ulti is very active. From a distance the damage effects of his S1 and S2 can burn many enemies and make their movements difficult.


Pharsa is the role of the mobile legends mage damage AoE zoning that has a very long distance. He greatly benefits from a compact team, especially She has excellent rotation potential. He is able to provide high damage thanks to his ulti. Pharsa’s AoE is also very high making it scary when doing push and teamfight.


Harith is a sustain mage that has very high damage, and a wide AoE too. He is able to enter teamfight and inflict high damage with a wide area scale. Harith has a large area to cover because his CDR is able to provide a fast dash. Besides that, Harith’s S1 damage area is terrible as a mage damage aoe.


Cecillion is more suitable to be said as a poke hero, but he is one of AoE’s heroes who hurts. His S1 and ulti are very scary in the teamfight and laning phase. He is able to provide high damage continuously with a large enough area scale. In suitable hands and good positioning Cecilion can eliminate the entire enemy team.


Kagura is a hero who requires micro skills and a very good position. Kagura needs a good hand to use him. In addition, Kagura can cover a very high area because he is able to provide high damage to many units. With the right timing and position, he can inflict damage and lock up many enemies.

Those are the 5 most deadly Mage ML AoE Damage in Mobile Legends. These heroes are very strong in team fight because their damage area can cover many targets and provide high effective damage. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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