Hero Squishy Mobile Legends (ML)

But wait, it's easy to kill other heroes doesn't mean they're useless.

Mobile Legends players may not realize that there are many heroes that are easy to kill because of their design. Now they are usually called Mobile Legends (ML) squishy heroes and are easy to kill.

But wait, it’s easy to kill other heroes doesn’t mean they’re useless. Even these heroes are usually the most important heroes in the team and they are squishy because their design is a high value hero.

So these squishy heroes are not useless, huh. Even because they are one of the most important heroes in the team, they must be weak and easy to kill so that the game is balanced later.

Hero Squishy Mobile Legends (ML)

Hero squishy as one of the heroes with high impact should not be left alone in the game. Well, here we will give examples of some squishy heroes that are easy to burst and one shot, but must be a top priority.


Cecilion is a very fragile and squishy hero, he is very easy to kill, especially in the early game. You have to aim for him and keep locking because if you enter the late game with a high stack, Cecilion can wipe an opposing team!


Diggie is also actually very soft and he is very easy to kill. You have to target him because his ultimate is very dangerous in team fights for tempo swing. But it’s really hard to target Diggie.


Of course, everyone agrees that of all the heroes on this list, Natalia is the most troublesome squishy hero. Technically he was very easy to kill because he was so soft, but it was very difficult to catch Natalia.


Harley is also a mage hero who is relatively squishy and easy to kill, moreover he also often gets into fights. But he who has blink makes him difficult to catch, the damage is also high for single targets.


Compred to other marksman, Hanabi is the easiest hero to catch. He is squishy and has no escape tools. Often the target of many players in the early game because of the power spike in the ultra late game.

So, those are some of the squishy Mobile Legends heroes that often appear in your game. Don’t forget to be targeted too because they can’t be allowed to live forever, it’s dangerous for the team!

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