How many Days is the ALLSTAR Promo Diamond Festival Mobile Legends (ML) ?

Mobile Legends  for this game continues to present several new updates. Like this time, you can find out how many days the ALLSTAR Mobile Legends (ML) Diamond Promo Festival is? Of course with that you can find out.

Of course, you also know about the Mobile Legends game itself, especially from the players, which continue to bring out some of the latest updates which are certainly quite interesting for the players to play.

You can find out about this in more detail in the article, but before that you can also find out about  the Diamond ALLSTAR 2023 Mobile Legends Promo Quest  this time. Of course, you can find out about this later.

In the following, we will also provide an explanation for how many days the ALLSTAR diamond promo festival is in the game. Of course, you can find out about this this time in the article below because it is very interesting.

How many Days is the ALLSTAR Promo Diamond Festival Mobile Legends (ML) ?

For the Mobile Legends game itself, as we know, it will present several new updates. As with the ALLSTAR Diamond Promo Festival event which will take place from April 5 to 20 2023 in the Mobile Legends game later.

You can participate in this event later to claim the ALLSTAR diamond promo which can be used later in the Mega Sale event which will take place around April 20 to 25 2023 in the game and you can use it to buy existing items.

Players of the Mobile Legends game have been waiting for this and you will be able to get some interesting items such as skins, heroes and so on which are available later at the shop in the Mobile Legends game which you can use later.

That is an explanation of how many days the ALLSTAR Diamond Promo Festival event will take place later in the Mobile Legends game. Of course, with this explanation, you can find out this time and what do you think about this explanation?