How much does Ixia Shifting Sand cost Mobile Legends (ML)?

In Mobile Legends , there are several interesting updates available for players. This time, there is an explanation How much does the Ixia Shifting Sand Mobile Legends (ML) Skin cost? By reading this information, you will get the latest updates regarding it.

Of course, Mobile Legends players must be very familiar with the various updates that are continuously being made in this game. We all know that there are many exciting events and events that will be held in the Mobile Legends game.

You will also be able to find out a more detailed explanation in the article for this, but you can also see  when will the Ixia Shifting Sand Mobile Legends (ML) skin be released?  this time. So that later you can find out the explanation.

In this article, we will provide a detailed explanation regarding the price of the Ixia Shifting Sand hero skin in the MLBB game. This information will be described in detail in the article below, so that you can get a clearer and more interesting understanding.

How much does Ixia Shifting Sand cost Mobile Legends (ML)?

In Mobile Legends, there are some interesting updates that are worth knowing about. One of them is a Marksman hero named Ixia where later there will be a skin, namely Shifting Sand which will be released later at a price of 269 Diamonds.

On July 8, 2023, when the hero Ixia is released in the Mobile Legends game, the basic skin for this hero will also be released. This basic skin will not change its appearance drastically, as is common with basic skins in ML games, but will only change the color of the hero.

So, Mobile Legends players can get information about the price of the Markman Ixia hero skin which will soon be released in the game. This is the news that everyone has been waiting for, because everyone is curious about what skills the marksman hero has in the Mobile Legends game.

This explanation provides information about the price of the Markman Ixia Shifting Sand skin in the Mobile Legends game. With this explanation, you can find out how much the hero skin will cost. What do you think about this explanation regarding the price of the Ixia skin this time?