How to Avoid the Noob Team in Mobile Legends (ML)

Esportsku below will provide a way to avoid the Noob team in Mobile Legends so that you can easily win in matches.

Do you want to win easily in the Mobile Legends game? You can use a few tips to avoid the noob team in Mobile Legends so you can keep winning easily.  Esportsku below will provide a way to avoid the Noob team in Mobile Legends so that you can easily win in matches.

As you know, sometimes defeat is not only caused by our skills, even though you are good at playing Mobile Legends, but there are also those who often lose due to their own team.

Each player has different playing skills, making these players have to adjust the gameplay with other teams.

There are also other tips by avoiding the noob team in Mobile Legends that you can use, so that you can win matches easily.

Play at School Hours and Midnight

First, by playing only at certain hours, make sure you don’t play during the day or prime time. Usually at that time many children were playing.

This will make the matchmaking chaotic because of the many kids playing, so that your teammates will get boy players who are of course noobs playing Mobile Legends.

Make sure to play in the morning when the kids are at school, or in the middle of the night when the kids are sleeping, so that teammates when playing solo will have equal skills.

Play Full Party

Next, in order to avoid the noob team, you can try to play with a full party, this way you can easily avoid the noob team in Mobile Legends, of course you have to invite players you already know.

So that each of you already knows their respective playing styles and makes the game easier to do.

Play With High Level Accounts

Next, if you play solo make sure to play using a high level account. For the max level itself is level 30. Meanwhile, after 30 you will go up to Celestial.

Think of it, 30 is the max level, and the automatic matchmaking system will match teams of the same level.

In general, players with a rank of 30 can play well and will not be a burden during the match.

Use Another Country Server

Finally, you can use servers from other countries, in this case, you can try to use a VPN to do this.

Please use a VPN by choosing a country that is good at playing Mobile Legends, so you can avoid players who are noob in playing Mobile Legends.

So that’s it for a review on how to avoid the noob team in Mobile Legends. Hopefully the above reviews can be useful and useful, especially for those of you who need it. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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