How to Change Hero Player Position When Draft Pick Mobile Legends (ML)

Therefore, use swap heroes or swap heroes when the draft pick starts. For those of you who don't know how to do it. In the following, Esportsku will provide a way to swap hero player positions when Draft Pick Mobile Legends.

Mobile Legends is one of the best MOBAs that has many game systems in it, one of which is the Draft Pick system when selecting heroes. Here you can do how to swap hero player positions during the Mobile Legends draft pick. Therefore, use swap heroes or swap heroes when the draft pick starts. For those of you who don’t know how to do it. In the following, Esportsku will provide a way to swap hero player positions when Draft Pick Mobile Legends.

The purpose of exchanging heroes is to make hero selection easier when you don’t have a hero (for example a meta hero), in the process of drafting a meta hero becomes the preferred hero to be secured.

Usually players prioritize picking meta heroes first, then complementary heroes. That way the game will be more focused and you can maximize the team composition when playing.

How to Change Hero Player Position When Draft Pick Mobile Legends

Swapping heroes at the time of the draft pick will also change the position of the players in Mobile Legends, so doing this is very easy and you can do it during the draft pick process.

  • The first is to know in advance which players can trade with other players.
  • Usually, players in drafts 1, 2, 3, and 4 can swap or swap positions during the draft pick.
  • To swap positions for players 2, 3, 4, and 5, you must first apply to use a hero.
  • You can choose the option, I want to use a hero …, or show the win rate, MMR and so on.
  • Next, for players who are choosing a hero, you can swap by pressing the circle icon (swap) at the top of the player.
  • Then the system will confirm whether you are really sure to exchange with your friend’s hero.
  • Please click Okay and you will switch positions.
  • Done.

Now, it’s not easy for you to swap hero player positions during the Mobile Legends draft pick, you can use this method to speed up the draft pick process itself and also allow players to have many options to finish the game.

This can make the game easier, and players can use any hero they want. And it is suitable for players who have high MMR so they can use their favorite heroes.

Hero exchange can also be done when the draft pick process is complete, players are allowed to exchange heroes with one another so they can match your best line up. Make sure you choose the right hero in the game.

However, there are several problems that often occur in this exchange process. Even though it’s rare, problems occur usually the emblem you use doesn’t change, so when you switch from a tank hero to an assassin hero, usually your emblem still uses a tank emblem.

That’s all for how to swap hero player positions during the Mobile Legends draft pick. Hopefully the above review provides an explanation that can be useful and easy to understand, especially for beginner Mobile Legends gamers.  Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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