How to Fully Fill Esmeralda’s White Blood in Mobile Legends

we will provide a tutorial on how to fill white blood for the Esmeralda hero in Mobile Legends.

One of the best offlaner heroes is Esmeralda, where the full white blood of this hero is very deadly, Esmeralda returned when she was first released, now Esmeralda can fully fill the white blood she has in Mobile Legends.

We will provide a tutorial on how to fill white blood for the Esmeralda hero in Mobile Legends.

How to Fully Fill Esmeralda’s White Blood in Mobile Legends

It’s easy enough to fill the white blood of Esmeralda’s hero in Mobile Legends, which is important, you only need to move away from Crowd Control attacks in the form of stun and good at using combo skills and also builds that have high cooldowns.

Use the Purify Spell

First is to use the purify battle spell in Mobile Legends, where the effect of Spell Purify can escape Esmeralda from her weakness, namely stun from other heroes.

Use build items with Cooldown

Next is to use build items that have a cooldown in Mobile Legends, above are items that are very suitable for use by Esmeralda in Mobile Legends, with two defense cooldown items and 3 cooldown items and magic damage making Esmeralda attack combos endlessly with full white blood and turn off.

Use the Esmeralda Combo Skill

As for increasing Esmeralda’s white blood to be fully charged is to use the following combo skill Esmeralda. But before that, I will explain the best combo skill for Esmeralda.

  • Skill 1: Will provide shield or white blood to Esmeralda.
  • Skill 2: Will speed up the cooldown and give a white blood effect to the opponent.
  • Ultimate: Will give a large enough white blood effect when it hits your opponent.

When you get a build, next is to play a combo so that the blood is full. The following is a combo that you can use to fully fill Esmeralda’s white blood.

Here are some screenshots when the author uses the Esmeralda tips above :

When you are stunned, use Purify so that the shield effect from Esmeralda doesn’t disappear.

So that’s how to fill the full white blood for the hero Esmeralda in Mobile Legends, hopefully using this tutorial can be useful for you and can make you even more pro using Esmeralda. Don’t forget to follow @esports.ku for more updates. Stay Tune!

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