How to get Freya ML heroes without buying Diamond Mobile Legends

we will provide a way to get Freya's hero without using diamonds in Mobile Legends.


Freya is one of the heroes that Battle Point can’t buy in Mobile Legends, which you can only get by doing a top up in Mobile Legends. For those of you who are looking for a way to get Freya’s hero without buying diamonds in Mobile Legends, you can outsmart it in the following ways.

Freya is one of the strongest fighter heroes in Mobile Legends. Even so, Freya is included in the underrated hero which is not always included in the current meta hero. Even so, quite a number of players want Freya’s hero to add to their collection.

On this occasion we will provide a way to get Freya’s hero without using diamonds in Mobile Legends. Which you can use this method to get this one fighter hero in Mobile Legends.

How to get Freya ML heroes without buying Diamond Mobile Legends

You need to know, actually you can only get Freya’s own hero by doing the first top up in Mobile Legends. Which is the most effective way to buy Freya’s heroes.

If not, you have to spend around 499 diamonds to buy Freya heroes at the Shop in Mobile Legends. So, how do you get Freya’s hero without buying diamonds in Mobile Legends. We have several solutions that you can do.

Top Up with the smallest minimum

The smallest top-up in the Mobile Legends game itself is around 11 diamonds, which you can exchange for only IDR 3,000. This method is a very effective way to get Freya’s hero. Which you don’t need to do a large diamond top up.

Easy enough for you to do right. To get the Freya hero itself is quite easy, you only need to prepare credit worth IDR 5,000, and then do a top up as usual. You will be given several hero choices after doing the Top Up.

First there is the hero Freya, the hero Valir and Hanabi. Choose the hero you want. But our advice is that you have to choose the hero Freya. The reason itself is that the first top up is one way to get Freya’s hero. If you miss it, then you have to spend 499 diamonds to buy it at the Shop.

Not only that. Freya itself cannot be purchased using battle points, while Hanabi and Valir heroes can be purchased at any time for 32,000 battle points.

Even so, unfortunately there is no way to get Freya’s hero without buying diamonds in Mobile Legends. You can only outsmart it by using the top up method at the lowest possible price in Mobile Legends.

So that’s the only review this time about how to get Freya’s hero without buying diamonds in the Mobile Legends game. Hopefully the above reviews can be of use to you, especially those of you who are Mobile Legends gamers.

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