How to Get Skin Kingfisher and M24 Storm Surge Free Fire (FF)

Free Fire has released a lot of new updates that are good enough for players to find in the game. Then by getting the Kingfisher Skin and M24 Storm Surge Free Fire (FF), you can immediately try to own them. Seeing the direct process of obtaining the Kingfisher and M24 skins for yourself, players will meet the cool Storm Surge Effect.

Having lots of the latest updates for the Free Fire game with a large total, you will also find various things from here. Especially some of the features that are already present in the Free Fire game, along with several developing systems that are already there later.

Then there are some Cool Free Fire Names that you can play, they will definitely be even more exciting for you to try later. Because indeed with the several opportunities that already exist, we will give all of us a choice for several names from here right now.

To get the Kingfisher Skin and M24 Storm Surge in Free Fire, players can do it from Weapon Royale or the Magic Shop. Making these two opportunities so that later players can immediately have good prizes like this very easily.

How to Get Skin Kingfisher and M24 Storm Surge Free Fire (FF)

  1. Login Game Free Fire

    Immediately, we log into the Free Fire game first, so we can get the existing Kingfisher and M24 Storm Surge skins. This is a new prize that we can have in the Weapon Royale or Magic Shop feature.

  2. Choose Weapon Royale

    Then we can immediately choose the name Weapon Royale first, so we can immediately get the Kingfisher and M24 Storm Surge skins. This is the right place, so that later you can also collect several other Skin prizes coming from here as well.

  3. Make an Immediate Spin

    Only then can you spin immediately using Diamonds, then we have the opportunity to get the Kingfisher Skin and M24 Storm Surge. Then then you can try it right away with 1 Spin 50 Dm and 10 Spin 500 Dm which we have to be able to get out now.

  4. Through Magic Shop Conversion

    So later you can go through the Magic Shop exchange first, so we can get Kingfisher Skin and M24 Storm Surge prizes like that. It’s enough to use just 1 Magic Cube, then we can immediately exchange it immediately.

  5. Armory Entry Rewards

    Then we can immediately check the Storm Surge Skin directly on the Armory and you can also prepare it right now. Therefore we will also be more prepared by using it in matches so that we will become stronger in battle.

The cool effect every time you attack using the new Skin Kingfisher and M24 Storm Surge. Of course, if you already have a prize like this, later players will be able to have a prize like this and it will be easier for you to use this weapon.

Then along with the presence of the Neo Evergreen Free Fire Bundle , it will definitely provide a good effect for you to use later. So that way we can look good and strong when using all of these Bundles and Collecting them right now.

With How to Get the Kingfisher Skin and M24 Storm Surge in Free Fire (FF), you can immediately have all of these and use them later. Because indeed with the presence of a Skin Kingfisher and M24 it will be cool and have a strong Water Effect.

Then it can run even smoother, try using the Free Fire Spin Hockey Tips right now, so that later you can immediately have a prize like this. Only then will players soon be able to have these prizes and they can also become good collections for all of us.