How To Play Dead ByDayLight Among Us

Among Us is one of the games that has just arrived but provides games that are not mainstream, this 8 bit game is very exciting and viral among Indonesian gamers. Not only that, in the game Among Us you can also play the Dead By Daylight game. Here’s how to play Among Us with the nuances of the Dead By Daylight game.

On this occasion, how to play Dead By Daylight in a game that is very viral today. For those of you who want to try playing tips. Here are the systems or rules that you must do before the start of the match.


How to play dead by daylight among us


In order for the game to have the same impression as in the Dead By Daylight game, you must use the rules which we will explain below.

First, at the beginning of the game there is only 1 impostor, which is the Impostor at the beginning of the match must admit that he is an impostor so that other players know who will be the killer.

Second, speed up the kill cooldown, which is in order to make it easier for the impostor to kill other players. Which is to make it look similar to the original Dead By Daylight game.

Third, the Vision Impostor setting should be minimized, then for other crewmates to be raised.

Fourth, at the beginning of the game, the impostor immediately sabotages comms, while the crewmate is not allowed to repair it. Crewmate assignments will have to carry out tasks without knowing where the task is.

Fifth, Crewmate will be said to win when it has done all existing tasks. Meanwhile, Impostor will win when it kills all crew mates.


Postscript : 

Crewmate may not vote on the Impostor, but Crewmate can do a body report so that they can discuss other strategies.

By living the rules above, you will be able to play with the nuances of the Dead By Daylight game. That way, you can play with new game play and have new fun.

Indeed, the Among Us game itself requires you to find the impostor to calm the game and for the impostor to kill all crewmates in order to win. But there is nothing wrong for you to try new rules to make the game even more exciting.


that’s how to play Dead By Daylight in the game Among Us. Hopefully the method above can add to your excitement in playing Among Us. Don’t forget to keep visiting our website for interesting information about other games. Stay Tune!