How To Play on Midlane Mobile Legends (ML)

Here we will provide 7 Tips and Tricks for Midlaner Mobile Legends. This role is indeed named the most important lane because it determines the tempo will often occur in the mid.

Playing as a midlaner is actually the best thing because this lane is very flexible and can be filled with many mobile legends roles. Even so, marksman or mage often fill this lane. As a midlaner, there are lots of Midlane tips that you can get when playing on this lane of mobilelegends.

As a midlaner for mobile legends, you will become the center of the map and there will be frequent action. Therefore you must always be ready when playing and don’t be careless. Therefore the midlaner is often the focus of rotation. You must understand it so that later you will not be bothered anymore. Midlane is a lane that often has to be busy. Not many players can take full advantage of this lane.


This is one of the Midlane Tips that you should know. When playing as a midlaner, the main thing you have to do is contest and poke the enemy. The reason for this is quite simple, the midlaner is the center of attention in Mobile Legends, therefore you will get a lot of advantages even by making the enemy lose one wave.

Poke will be important here because you will continuously damage the enemy and force them to come home often. This is because the most popular hero mid is a marksman or mage poke with high potential.


If you play as a midlaner you have to frequently communicate with the team. This is like asking for gang assistance, rotation, or miss calls. Midlaner must play very proactively in Mobile Legends and don’t often stay silent.


This is one of the Midlane Tips that you should know. As already stated, the midlane is the most flexible lane for several reasons. The main reason for this midlaner is that the mid lane can be filled with many various hero roles. With this flexible lane you have to take full advantage of it.

An example is when you play the midlane as a weak marksman hero, you can ask for a lane swap to the poke mage in the safe lane so that your farm is safer. Or for example, if your team uses an aggressive hero like Lancelot or Silvanna, here you can swap their lane too.


Don’t play passively on the map. Suppose you fill in the mid, you have lots of access to many places such as offlane, jungle, and safelane. You have to use this like farm, rotation, swap, or gank.


When taking the mid lane and fighting hero carry, the thing that must take precedence is gank. Therefore, keep asking your team to rotate towards the mid. With this you can continue to kill midlaners easily and force them to lose lane.


Here you have to take advantage of this. You have to take advantage of the midlaner that is close to the buff, jungle, lord, turtle, and creep heal positions. In a short time you can get a lot of benefits.


The most important skill when playing midlaner is macro skill. How to read the map, predict movements, be effective in farming and last hit, as well as broad options are the most important skills.

Those are 7 Tips and Tricks for Midlane in Mobile Legends which are very important for you to note. Even though it is fairly easy, the potential for the midlaner is the most extensive. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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