How to Train Your Game Sense Free Fire (FF)

So please understand a lot of things that can affect your gameplay. To be better apart from micro and macro, gamesense is also needed have a big impact .

Gamesense is very important for you to master. Not only micro and macro, because you also have to know how to train your Free Fire (FF) gamesense. You will feel the difference.

So please understand a lot of things that can affect your gameplay. To be better apart from micro and macro, gamesense is also needed because it will have a big impact if you are good at it.

Before we have discussed what gamesense is, which you must understand first. So if you haven’t read it, try checking the linked link first so you don’t get confused later.

Now for those of you who want to hone your gamesense on Free Fire, take it easy because there are a few tips I can give. At least it can help you a little later when playing.

How to Train Gamesense Free Fire (FF)

Gamesense is very important for you to understand and hone it as sharp as possible. There are several ways that can help you hone these skills below.

  1. Keep Playing And Learning Opponents
  2. Watch Youtube Or VOD Other Players
  3. Watch Pro Match

With some of the methods above, you can improve your gamesense in Free Fire. It takes a process, so there’s no need to rush in your training, of course.


Keep Playing And Learning Opponents

You can try to play continuously but don’t play blind. You have to play and take advantage of all the moments. Starting from studying the movements of friends or opponents and also learning from mistakes.

Learning from mistakes is very important. For example, you die from a strange angle or because your opponent in FF uses a strong weapon combination. This you must apply in your practice.


Watch Youtube Or VOD Other Players

Watching your favorite VOD or Youtuber can be a solution to hone your gamesense. Especially what you watch are players who are very good at playing Free Fire.

The advantage is that you can rewind and forward their videos. Understand and try to analyze your game. For example, from character selection, weapons, and others. With this you can be even better.


Watch Pro Match

Watching your favorite players and teams in big tournaments or high-level competitions can also improve your skills. Just like before, it’s just that here it usually tends to be more advanced.

By seeing how pro players can play more flexibly and with high skills, you can match their playing style. Focus on just one playstyle, for example you want to play barbaric, pay attention to the players who have the same play style as you.


Those are some ways to train Free Fire (FF) gamesense. It’s not an easy thing, but everything needs a process. So don’t be lazy when practicing because there is still plenty of room for you.


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