Item Build Alpha Support in Mobile Legends (ML)

Here we will provide tips about Item Build Alpha Support in Mobile Legends (ML), which you can try. This hero can be a support, with strong CC skills and very high heal as a Tank.

In playing Mobile Legends, Hero support is very important to be in the team. With support, you can make it easier to do farming and also do team fights. Here we will provide tips about Item Build Alpha Support in Mobile Legends (ML), which you can try. This hero can be a support, with strong CC skills and very high heal as a Tank.

There are many types of Hero Support in Mobile Legends, depending on the hero you are using. You can use CC support, Healer, Tank as well as Buff. Each of these heroes has their own advantages in helping the team and also attacking the enemy.

Alpha who is a Fighter/Bruiser hero can also become a Support hero with his skills. This hero has very strong skills to support the team in gathering enemies and dealing pure damage as additional damage.

Build items used by alpha support in Mobile Legends (ML) are of many types. You can use items that have high enough damage as a semi Fighter or become a full tank with full Defense build items.

Both build items have their own advantages and disadvantages as well. If you use build damage items you will find it difficult to withstand enemy damage, but if you use Build Tanks, you can only rely on passive Alpha.

The following is an example of an Alpha Support build item that you can try:

Warrior’s Boots – Conceal

+22 Physical Defense
+40 Movement Speed
Unique Passive
Valor: Physical Defense will be increased by 5 for 25s for each basic attack received, capped at 25Active – Conceal: Nearby allied heroes enter Camouflage State and their Movement Speed increases by 30%-75% (scales with Gold from Thriving) for 5s. Dealing or taking damage ends this state.

After purchase, you can no longer gain Gold and EXP from minions and creeps and must collect 600 Gold from Roaming Equipment to unlock this skill.


This item will be a suitable movement item for Alpha so that he can withstand enemy attacks more easily, with the additional physical defense of this item. You can also use the Conceal skill to gank the enemy.

Bloodlust Axe

+70 Physical Attack
+10% Cooldown Reduction
+20% Spell Vamp



This item has a very strong vamp spell to increase its blood when Alpha uses its damage skill. Even though the damage given by Alpha is not large, he can still do damage from his passive.

Bruteforce Breastplate

+750 Health Points
+50 Physical Defense
Unique Passive
Brute Force: Basic attacks or skills will raise hero’s Movement SPD by 6%, Armor and Magic RES by 4%. Last 4s. Stack up to 5 times.


Items that will increase movement speed, Armor, and also Magic Resist are very useful if you want to use Alpha as a Support Tank. With this item, you can withstand enemy attacks more easily.

Queen’s Wings

+900 Health Points
+25 Physical Attack
+10% Cooldown Reduction
Unique Passive
Demonize: Reduces damage taken 20% when health is less than 40% and increases your Spell Vamp by 25% for 5s. This effect has a cooldown of 60s.


This Defense item will be very good for Alpha to withstand damage. Because, this item will reduce the damage received and also provide additional Spell Vamp to Alpha.


+850 Health Points
+42 Magic Defense
+10%% Cooldown Reduction
Unique Passive
Bless: Raise shield absorption and HP regen effect by 30%.


Because Alpha is a hero who relies on Spell Vamp or Heal when resisting enemy attacks, this item will be perfect for him. This item will increase the Healing it receives. This item even has Magic Defense.


+800 Health Points
+40 Physical Defense
Unique Passive
Immortal: resurrect 2.5s upon death and gets 20% Max HP and 220-1200 points of Shield. (scales with level) Shield last for 3s. 210s CD.


Immortality is an option that you can use as the last item in the late game. by using this item, you can revive quickly and help your team return. Because this passive item has an old CD, you can sell it and replace it with another item.

This Anti Magic damage item can help you to withstand enemy magic attacks. However, it will be more effective if you use it against mages with poke damage.

Those are tips about Item Build Alpha Support in Mobile Legends (ML), which you can try. Hero Alpha in Mobile Legends (ML) has strong CC and very high Pure damage to attack enemies. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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