Junglers Durable Heroes Less Popular In Mobile Legends (ML)

Here are the reasons why Junglers Durable Heroes is less popular in Mobile Legends, which you should know. There are many reasons why such heroes are rarely used, even though they are very strong.

Each lane in Mobile Legends has a different function. There are EXP lane, Gold Lane, Mid Lane, and also jungle. The distribution of gold and exp on each lane is different, depending on the hero you use and the lane you occupy. Here are the reasons why Junglers Durable Heroes is less popular in Mobile Legends, which you should know. There are many reasons why such heroes are rarely used, even though they are very strong.

Jungle is one place, which will give you additional gold and exp, on each creep. In that place, the creeps are stronger than regular minions, but some provide buffs.

By doing jungle, you can do flank or gank more easily. Because, you are closer to other lanes, and have a faster level if you do jungle well.

However, it seems that this type of jungle is not widely used. Usually jungle is placed by Marksman or assassin. However, durable heroes are very rarely seen, because they are a little difficult to use.

Junglers Durable Heroes Is Less Popular

Hero junglers are usually placed by marksman with high sustain damage from a distance or hero assassin with burst damage. It is very rare for a fighter hero to occupy a jungler, and this makes this hero less used.

For example, Freya’s hero has skills with fast CDs, making her able to clear the jungle quickly. This hero is rarely used as a jungler, because many players prefer other heroes such as assassins.

Usually a durable jungler hero like this is used, if your team is too weak to take enemy damage. If you don’t have room for tanks, and your team can be trusted in doing team fights. Hero Jungler Durable is your choice.

Hero Suitable To Be Jungler Durable

Here is a hero that you can try to use, if you want to try being a jungler. This hero has high durability, and can be a strong jungler because of the skills he has. Not all smooth heroes do become junglers.


Freya has fast skills and does not require Mana. This allows him to clear the jungle quickly. When he is dealing with Team Fight, you can withstand enemy attacks thanks to his shield and CC.


Alucard has a high damage skill and allows him to run faster. The Lifesteal skill he has from Ultimate, allows him to attack enemies and increase their blood. So you won’t die quickly.


Balmond is actually a fighter hero, has high durability and high burst damage as well. With his movement skills and damage area, you can attack many enemies at once.

That’s Hero Junglers Durable Less Popular In Mobile Legends, which you can know. Hero junglers like this are very rarely used and even known. How to use it is a little difficult, but very profitable for the team. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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