Mistakes That Are Often Made By Cecilion Users Mobile Legends (ML)

On this occasion, Esportsku will discuss User Error Cecilion Mobile Legends.

Cecilion is one of the mage heroes in Mobile Legends who is included in the typical hero stack and burst damage. Cecilion can increase his max mana through the stack he collected. The damage will become even more painful as the number of stacks increases. You need to know that there are several Cecilion Mobile Legends user errors that often occur in gameplay. On this occasion, Esportsku will discuss User Error Cecilion Mobile Legends.

Cecilion is indeed a strong hero, but if used incorrectly, it can cause harm to you. Cecilion himself is pretty bad in terms of his movement speed because he can’t move freely. The use of difficult skills is a problem that you must overcome when using Cecilion in gameplay.

Inadequate Skill Usage

Cecilion is a typical hero whose attack skills are quite difficult to use. Most Cecilion users couldn’t maximize the damage from their attack skills. Of course this will be a loss because the damage that goes to the opponent is not large. To be able to maximize the use of his skills, you have to find the right position and with the right timing. Guaranteed after you do this the skill is easy to use.

Wrong Positioning

This wrong placement is one of the factors in the difficulty of using the cecilion skill to its full potential. In addition, with the wrong position it will make it easier for Cecilion to be ranked by the opponent. For example, the position is offside when there is a war. This of course will be a loss for your team because of the lack of dealer damage. The result is that your team must experience defeat when a war occurs.

Late Provides Follow Up Damage

One of the mistakes that Cecilion users often make in gameplay is being late to give follow-up damage. Mistakes like this will mess up the teamfight and become ineffective again. Make sure you are alert in giving follow-up damage so that the team fight can run easily.

Often plays alone

User Cecilion is often seen playing solo in a lane. Things like this will make him easily targeted by opponents who will do ganking considering that Cecilion himself doesn’t have good escape skills.

Ran out of Mana during War

One of the fatal mistakes that often occurs is that Cecilion users run out of mana when a war occurs. Usually this is due to the use of one skill that is continuous and not on target. Of course which one is used will be very large when using one skill continuously.

That is an explanation of Cecilion’s user error in a gameplay that Esprotsku have discussed. Don’t make the mistakes we discussed above so that you avoid big losses. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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