Mobile Legends Crisis Anti-Sustain Fighter Hero

Here, let us discuss what Mobile Legends (ML) is about the crisis for the anti-sustain fighter hero. Fighting sidelane heroes that are popular now is very difficult without using similar heroes too.

Even though there are many heroes that can be used in Mobile Legends at the moment, the sidelane fighter is almost the same. Yes, Mobile Legends (ML) is in crisis for an anti-sustain fighter hero and maybe it needs a new one. Here, let us discuss what Mobile Legends (ML) is about the crisis for the anti-sustain fighter hero. Fighting sidelane heroes that are popular now is very difficult without using similar heroes too.

Just pay attention to the popular sidelaner or offlaner in Mobile Legends today. Not so far from Yu Zhong, Esmeralda, Benedetta, Thamuz and others. They all have something in common.

With a pattern like this, maybe Mobile Legends needs a way to fight thick heroes like this. They are too domineering on the lane and also almost auto pick compared to others.

Too Much Sustain

If you pay attention to the use of sidelane offlane heroes, there must be something in common. Yes, these heroes are too sustained and hard to kill, but that’s not the case.

The problem here is that these heroes are almost very difficult to count. They usually have a lifesteal that is too high and also a fairly thick shield. But the counter item is not quite so.

Very High Damage

Yes, even though their sustain was high, their damage didn’t decrease either. This is what makes these sustain-damage heroes a favorite to be the main choice in the offlane. They can be thick without taking their damage off.

Some heroes can even fight multiple opponents at once without difficulty. Some are even encouraged to do this. Therefore, it feels a bit too much.

Too Monotonous

If you pay attention, the playing style of these heroes is also relatively monotonous. Maybe because roughly the heroes have the same characteristics, only the mechanics differ slightly.

With this monotonous playing style, you might think that they are easy to counter. But this is wrong and this is the problem, their powerspike is too high in various phases and makes them too braindead.

Need Variation

It takes variations in heroes and items that might come later to change offlane and sidelane. This is so that the game can be more colorful and maybe a little different.

But yes, meta names are also difficult to shift because this is already the most effective. Maybe with a big patch that can change the new Mobile Legends it can make the sidelaner even more natural.

Actually, it’s not that Mobile Legends (ML) is a crisis for anti-sustain fighter heroes, it’s just that new things are needed right now in ML. Between items or heroes that can change the lens of the offlaner or sidelaner game. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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