Mobile Legends Heroes Miya, Eudora and Zilonghas been upgraded (revamp) in Mobile Legends.

Finally moontondid a revamp to some old heroes such as Miya, Eudora and Zilong. This revamp has been presented on Advanced Server Mobile Legends. Well, this time Miya, Eudora and Zilonggotupgrade in Mobile Legends with quite significant stats changes.

Previously, Moonton did revamp on several heroes such as Bruno, Yi Sun Shin and also Freya. But now they Revamp (upgrading) to other old heroes in order to compete to the latest meta heroes of today’s Mobile Legends game..

With the revamp of these three heroes, are they going to be more passionate in the game ? Moreover, Miya is more sexy and faster when we play her.

Well here is the Revamp on the three heroes of Mobile Legends alreadyupdated on Advanced Server Mobile Legends.

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The first is Miya. Miya is a marksman hero who has a large burst damage. This hero is not strong enough to fight a hero meta in the current season 16, so she become less interest.

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On the latest revamp,Moonton transform Miya’s passive skill into a cooler. Despite of being able to increase attack speed, the passive skill can summon shadows to help attack the enemy after the stack is full on Miya bar. Pretty interesting isn’t it?

Other than that, Miya’s movement now is more agile and fast while giving a shadow effect, this hero is beautiful even if we only look at it.

In addition, Moonton changed the skill that make Miya’s pretty cool to use, the skill was able to remove the Immobilize effect and spread the arrows on the surrounding area.


The change in Eudora is quite significant, the change is on the passive skill Superconductor that can add other skill effects if the enemy is hit by an attack.

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But the mostterrifiying in Eudora is the both skill. When she successful to hit the enemy, the next effect will give stun and it can hit three heroes simultaneously.

This revamp that given by Moonton is more on the damage produced by Eudora.


Zilong’s revamp lies in his ultimate skill. When this skill is activated, Zilong will add movement speed and attack speed but reduce his durability. In addition,Zilong cooldown now is more faster than it was before revamp.

When Zilong does his ultimate, the color turns into a cool white blue color that different than before.

Other skills are same as before. The revamp in Zilongis only on his ultimate skill, and some effects change on other skills.


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