New Hero Valentina Mobile Legends Release Date (ML)

The following is information regarding the release date of Valentina's new hero in Mobile Legends. This one hero mage is a hero who must be waiting for his presence in Mobile Legends.

Not only Floryn and Aamon, another new hero is Valentina. This hero is a mage hero who became the hero with number 110 in Mobile Legends. The following is information on the hero’s release date. The following is information regarding the release date of Valentina’s new hero in Mobile Legends. This one hero mage is a hero who must be waiting for his presence in Mobile Legends.

Valentina is the most interesting hero, this hero looks very beautiful with pretty scary visuals, seems to have a character as a hero from the Abyss or other darkness.

The aura effect from Valentina is the same as Vexana, but what’s different is if Valentina has a very beautiful face while Vexana doesn’t, now for those of you who are curious about when this hero is, see the following review.

Valentina Mobile Legends Release Date Prediction

Valentina is the 110th hero in which this hero will most likely be present after the new hero Floryn. Unfortunately until this article was made, there is no information about skills and gameplay regarding the new hero Valentina.

Even so, this hero has been confirmed to be present, several leakers have also leaked about Valentina’s hero in Mobile Legends. Well, the prediction for the release date of Valentina’s new hero is in November 2021.

This is obtained from the serial number of the current hero. On the advanced server there are three heroes that have been released, and you can play them right now.

The three heroes are Aulus who is a fighter hero and will be released in August 2021.

Moonton always presents a hero every month, and in a year there are about 11 or 12 heroes released, now the second hero is Aamon, the hero is an assassin with the latest magic damage which is expected to be released in September 2021.

Valentina Mobile Legends Release Date Prediction

Then after the hero there is also a new support hero Floryn, we certainly get a lot of information about Floryn, this one hero is the 111th hero but released first.

Floryn will most likely be released in October 2021. And the last is Valentina which was released a month after it.

Unfortunately there is no official artwork regarding the new hero Valentina, but several screenshots have appeared about this one hero.

Whether it’s gameplay or Valentina’s new hero skills, it hasn’t been published yet, so this hero is still quite mysterious.

As for the name of the hero Valentina itself, you could say it is a temporary name which may later change again.

So that’s all for information regarding the release date of Valentina’s new hero in Mobile Legends. The information above is only a prediction, we only need to wait a month before the release to confirm the truth. Hopefully useful and see you soon! Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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