Paloma Best Character Combination in Free Fire (FF)

Paloma is a character in Free Fire that is useful to conserve your backpack capacity. Paloma's skill is able to make her assault rifle ammo can be saved outside her backpack. So this skill can be really useful for you to save some space for other items in your backpack.

Free Fire offers you many interesting things to utilize. And for those who play Free Fire recently, there’s always some updates that players can enjoy in the game. There’s also character feature that players can choose in the game. Free Fire will always get better as time goes by, in order to gain more users every time. Garena as the developer of the game, is always updating and renewing the game as time goes by. Some of the features that is always updated is the characters in Free Fire. Garena will also held many events for the players to join. Here we have Paloma best character combination in Free Fire that you should know.

We also have some tips for you to find enemy location here.

Paloma Best Character Combination in Free Fire

Paloma is a character in Free Fire that is useful to conserve your backpack capacity. Paloma’s skill is able to make her assault rifle ammo can be saved outside her backpack. So this skill can be really useful for you to save some space for other items in your backpack.

DJ Alok

You can use Paloma’s character skill to combine with DJ Alok. As we might know about it, DJ Alok is a skill with an active skill. So his skill cannot be given to Paloma.

Instead, Paloma’s skill that needs to be given to DJ Alok. But you don’t have to worry, since DJ Alok’s skill will enable him to increase his healing ability and movement speed. So his character is still suitable to use an assault rifle.


The next character has a passive skill, which can be included for Paloma’s skill combination. But if the scenario is that you already use Paloma’s skill on DJ Alok, you can simply give Laura’s skill to Alok as well for the better combination.

Laura is a character that has a deadly skill, where she is able to increase her firing accuracy towards an enemy, when using a scope. Her skill will make you fire more accurately.


Kelly is one of the character than can run fast in Free Fire. She is considered as one of the fastest runner in Free Fire. And now, she is getting stronger, due to the awakening version of Kelly is now available to use, with better skill that you can use in the game. This character is already powerful enough before the awakening.

Her skill will enable her to run really fast, so you can move from one place to another really quickly, and faster than anybody else. So Kelly’s skill can also be really useful to combine with Paloma’s skill due to her running speed.

And that’s the best Paloma’s character combination in Free Fire that you need to try. This combination will make you a dangerous player in the match later on. Good luck and don’t forget to follow esportsku!

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