Paquito Mobile Legends New Skin Appearance (ML)

Well, after a while, finally the appearance of the skin from the survey results began to be shown, this time there is a skin that is similar to the character in the Magalo Box anime, what does it look like?

Paquito is a fighter hero in collaboration with Manny Pacquiao at the beginning of last year, now reportedly there is a new Paquito skin that looks like the Megalo Box Anime. Well, after a while, finally the appearance of the skin from the survey results began to be shown, this time there is a skin that is similar to the character in the Magalo Box anime, what does it look like?

At the beginning of its release, Paquito was accompanied by his normal skin, then Moonton presented an Epic skin that has a look like Manny Pacquiao.

Not long ago, he got the latest survey about the upcoming skin, at this time many think the skin is Paquito’s newest Elite or Starlight skin.

Paquito Mobile Legends New Skin Appearance, Similar to Megalo Box Anime!

Above is the appearance of the latest skin for Paquito’s hero, this fighter hero gets a skin that looks like a character in the Megalo Box anime, yep, that’s Joe.

Joe is a boxer in the series, he has a tool called Gear that helps him in boxing, unlike other characters in the anime. Joe uses the Gear without any protection.

The gear is called Gearless which has a look like the Paquito skin above. This can be seen in the hands that have mecha armor with red boxing gloves.

Gearless Joe also has armor that is similar to that worn by Paquito, besides that, on the back there is an armor that is a barrier to the Gear, both Paquito and Joe have the same attributes.

Then is it a coincidence? Even so, the latest Paquito hero skin is very interesting to wait for. Whether it’s imitation or whatever, for sure the Paquito hero user will be happy if a new skin is presented.

When Will it Release?

Unfortunately, in addition to the above display, there is still no information that mentions the release date of the Paquito skin above, for the name itself there is still no leak, this says that the skin above is still a long time coming.

To wait for its presence on the Advanced Server there will usually be a leak regarding the name of the skin, then the final appearance of the skin. Well, hopefully the Paquito skin above will be released soon.

Currently Paquito has two skins that you can get, first is Paquito’s normal skin called Death Blow, this skin you can have by buying it for 269 diamonds.

Then for the Epic skin, Manny Pacquiao which is the result of a collaboration and you can buy for 899 diamonds, the last one above is the latest skin which hopefully has a price that is not too expensive.

So that’s all the leaked appearance of Paquito’s newest skin, which looks like a character in the Megalo Box Anime, is it coincidence or not? We’ll just have to wait for his presence in Mobile Legends. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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