Price and Release Date for Zilong Empyrean Paladin Collector Skin Mobile Legends (ML)

Here we will discuss about one of the skins that will be released later in Mobile Legends. Here are the prices and when will the Zilong Empyrean Paladin collector skin release in Mobile Legends that you can know if you want to buy it later.

There are a lot of skins in Mobile Legends and some of these skins do have a very expensive price. However, the price and when will the Zilong collector skin be released this time is quite expensive but has a very good design. Here we will discuss about one of the skins that will be released later in Mobile Legends. Here are the prices and when will the Zilong Empyrean Paladin collector skin release in Mobile Legends that you can know if you want to buy it later.

Mobile Legends has many skins that you can use on several heroes. The skins are also diverse. Some change the color of their clothes, some even change the skill effect of the hero, making it more unique to use.

Price and Release Date for Zilong Empyrean Paladin Collector Skin

In February 2022, this Zilong Empyrean Paladin skin will be released at a price of 6000-8000 Diamonds at the Mobile Legends shop. If you want to buy this ML skin, you can wait around February 2022.

Mobile Legends plans to make a skin for Zilong’s hero this time. The skin that will be owned by Zilong this time is called Zilong Empyrean Paladin. This skin has a warrior-like theme using a spear and very cool armor.

This skin, apart from changing the visual design, will also change some of the effect skills it has. That way, it is certain that this skin will be sold at a fairly expensive price.

With a high price, this skin has a very nice design and good quality. However, you don’t just get this skin, because you have to do things like gacha to get it with an estimated expenditure of 7000 Diamonds.

You not only get the Zilong Empyrean Paladin skin, but you also get other skins later. Usually you can also get skins from other heroes from this gacha, and the last skin is this Zilong skin.

Gacha in Mobile Legends is actually not what you think. You have to finish all the prizes to be able to get the Zilong skin. However, maybe you’re lucky and get the skin less than the Diamond you should need.

Not only that, you can also get other skins that you can use for other heroes. Even so, the skin given is unknown and you can’t necessarily get it, because the skis are a little random.

That’s information about the price and when the Zilong Empyrean Paladin collector skin will be released in Mobile Legends. This skin has a design that is quite unique and cool. If you are interested, maybe you want to buy it. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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