Price of Alice Wizardry Teacher Skin Mobile Legends (ML)

Find out how much the total price of this Skin is right now. It is certain that if you already know the price, then when the skin will reappear, you just have to prepare to have it.

Mobile Legends has released a lot of the latest very cool updates for us to try. Then with the price of the Alice Wizardry Teacher Skin in Mobile Legends (ML), you should know things like this now. After knowing the price like that, then be more prepared to be able to have a gift like this. Find out how much the total price of this Skin is right now. It is certain that if you already know the price, then when the skin will reappear, you just have to prepare to have it.

Of course, there are many various Skins that appear in the Mobile Legends game, make sure you know all of them. To be more interested and want to see what skins are, so that later you will be interested in having skin prizes like this.

Price of Alice Wizardry Teacher Skin

The price of the Alice Wizardry Teacher Skin in Mobile Legends is Rp. 800,000 or around 3000 Diamonds if you go through the Draw Event. The skin has a Limited Epic Type, it appears at the Lucky box event for the first time which of course costs that much.

Then the price for this skin is also clearly visible, so you can also prepare that much money. However, if it is through the Draw Event, there are those who exchange Tokens and Draw until they get the Skin.

Well, if it’s through the Event Draw, the exchange can be priced below Rp. 800,000, depending on who you choose. But it’s already that much money for us to collect, if we want to have the existing Alice Wizardry Teacher Skin.

After knowing the price of the Alice Wizardry Teacher ML Skin, you don’t need to be confused anymore with things like that. It’s just a matter of whether you want this skin or not, you will be able to have it smoothly if you are sure about it. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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