Price of Odette Mermaid Princess Skin Mobile Legends (ML)

Take a look before having this Skin. So that when it reappears, you are already prepared with the funds to have a cool skin like this.

Mobile Legends released a lot of cool new skin types with various effects. Then also know the price of the Odette Mermaid Princess Mobile Legends (ML) Skin, immediately to find out how much the total will be. So that when you see it for yourself, you might be ready to immediately have the skin. Take a look before having this Skin. So that when it reappears, you are already prepared with the funds to have a cool skin like this.

The various types of heroes that have been present in the game are indeed quite strong, helping your battles to become stronger. Because it will require good skills, in order to be able to give a good attack to the enemy team later.

Price of Odette Mermaid Princess Skin

The price of the Odette Mermaid Princess Skin is around Rp. 900,000 or 5000 Dimaond from within the game. This is indeed a very large total, considering that it is part of the existing Skin Epic Lucky Box.

It looks beautiful and charming, showing that this Odette is the Queen of the ocean. Even with its current appearance, it does look very diverse when we use it in matches.

The power of a very graceful and elegant Mermaid, featuring Odette who is quite beautiful with this Epic Skin. Entry as Limited, so only through certain events to be able to have it.

But for the issue of the price of the Mermaid Princess Skin, it remains the same, depending on whether you want it or not. Just wait, surely it will appear again and will always happen.

After knowing the Odette Mermaid Princess Mobile Legends (ML) Skin Price, you won’t be confused by this. It will be even more exciting if you use the skin, especially the position of the condition that has received a change in effect. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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