Strengths and Weaknesses of Alpha Mobile Legends (ML)

On this occasion, Esportsku will discuss the Strengths and Weaknesses of Alpha Mobile Legends.

Alpha is one of the fighter heroes in Mobile Legends who has high durability and also has attack skills with HP regen effects. Alpha itself is a hero that is rarely used by Mobile Legends players in gameplay. On this occasion, Esportsku will discuss the Strengths and Weaknesses of Alpha Mobile Legends.

Playing Alpha is actually quite easy, provided that you can maximize the use of every skill in this fighter hero. When you can use all your skills properly, your gameplay performance will be even better. As an Alpha user, knowing what the strengths and weaknesses of this hero are because it can help you maximize Alpha’s potential.

Alpha’s Strengths in Mobile Legends

Alpha becomes a fighter hero in Mobile Legends which has several advantages. You have to make good use of this advantage in order to maximize the potential contained in Alpha when you play in a gameplay. For a detailed explanation of the advantages and disadvantages of Alpha you can see below!

Has a High Level of Durability

Alpha is one of the fighter heroes who has a high level of durability. Of course this is a distinct advantage for Alpha heroes because they have strong defenses. Because of these advantages Alpha can be strong to hold the lane and will be favored in a one-on-one situation with the opponent’s hero.

Has a Skill with HP Regen Ability

Alpha also has the ability or attack skill that can give him a Regen HP effect. Alpha can use his two skills to inflict damage while recovering his lost cellphone from the effects of these two skills. You have to be able to make good use of it to stay sustainable and strong when there is a battle or war going on. We recommend taking the one skill first in the early game to be able to defend it well.

Can Do Defense Well

By using items that can provide additional vamp spell effects to Alpha this hero will have even stronger defense. Items such as Bloodlust Ax are suitable for him, besides being able to provide an increase in Physical attack, they can also provide additional spell vamp effects for Alpha. The effect of Regen Hp from using his two skills will increase drastically and make Alpha strong to withstand many opposing heroes as well as in gameplay.

Can Provide a Good Crowd Control Effect

Alpha has the ultimate skill that can give crowd control effect in the form of stun when hit by an opponent. The stun effect is of course very useful because it can stop the opponent’s movements easily. But to make the most of this skill, you need to learn how to use it properly.

Suitable for Ganking

Alpha is also suitable for use as an initiator for ganking enemy heroes. You just need to hide in the ambush, and wait until your opponent is too offside. After that you just use the ultimate skill to give a stun effect to your opponent. Ask your teammates to attack them together so that the opponent’s heroes can be quickly defeated.

Weaknesses of Alpha Mobile Legends

Apart from having advantages, of course Alpha also has several drawbacks in Mobile Legends. You have to understand these shortcomings in order to know what are the things that make Alpha weak and easy to beat in gameplay. For a detailed explanation of the deficiencies found in Alpha, you can see directly below!

Very Weak in the Early Game

Even though he has a high level of durability, this hero is still weak in the early game. Alpha will be very difficult if given pressure that makes it unable to move freely. It is highly recommended to take the second skill first, focus on clear lane, and don’t get Poke damage from your opponent’s attack.

Very Dependent on Skill

Alpha is also a hero who is very dependent on his attack skills. This is very natural considering Alpha itself is only a melee-type hero whose attack distance is quite close. Make sure when the skill is on cooldown you don’t have to be too aggressive in attacking your opponent, wait until the cooldown is over and after that you can attack your opponent again.

Weak against Burst Damage Hero

Alpha is very weak when dealing with opposing heroes who have skills with large damage. With one combo skill, the hero burst damage can make Alpha defeat easily. Haven’t had the chance to use his HP regen skill he has been killed.

Weak against Hero Crowd Control

Apart from being weak against hero burst damage, Alpha is also weak against heroes who can have a crowd control effect. Alpha will have very limited movement and because of that he can be defeated easily. Make sure to use the purify spell when there are many opponent heroes with crowd control abilities.

Cannot Adjust Meta

Alpha is not suitable for use in all meta in Mobile Legends. Even in this current meta, it is difficult for him to adjust. This means that Alpha can’t adjust the meta properly. Most likely this hero will be played again when there is a buff given by Moonton.

That’s an explanation of the strengths and weaknesses of Alpha in Mobile Legends that Esportsku have discussed. Hopefully the discussion above can make it easier for you to understand Hero Alpha. That way you will be even more able to maximize the portion. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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