The Best Defense Items for Edith Mobile Legends (ML)

Here we will provide tips on the best defense items for Edith that you can use in Mobile Legends. Some of these defense items are perfect for Edith, helping her to withstand enemy attacks and increase her stats.

Using the right items can help you strengthen the heroes you use in Mobile Legends. Some of the best defense items are used to withstand enemy attacks, used by many tank heroes. Here we will provide tips on the best defense items for Edith that you can use in Mobile Legends. Some of these defense items are perfect for Edith, helping her to withstand enemy attacks and increase her stats.

Usually tank heroes in Mobile Legends have high HP to withstand enemy attacks. By using certain items, tank heroes can become easier to enter teamfights, and become a shield for the team

Some items can also be used for other heroes such as marksman and mage. Some items can help the hero increase his defense, and there are also defense items that can provide additional skills to attack enemies.

Brute Force Breastplate

Items that will provide additional movement speed, physical and also magic defense can help you withstand enemy attacks. You can also approach the enemy faster from this item.

Thunder Belt

This item can provide additional true damage and also slow. By using this item, you can make enemies affected by your skills more difficult to run. Of course, the True damage of this item is also large.


Oracle is a fairly optional item, because this item can provide additional shields and healing. You can get more heal and shield when you use Ultimate. So, you can play more safely.

Those are tips about Edith’s best defense items that you can try in Mobile Legends. This tank/marksman hero can be easier to withstand enemy attacks, because it has strong defense items. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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