The Best Hero Ranks Up Tier List Version 1.6.18 Zeys Mobile Legends (ML)

For those of you who are curious, just check it out below. Of course, it will be very important for you to understand and immediately practice in the future if you really want to be more consistent in ranking up.

Currently in Mobile Legends there are indeed many heroes that you can use. But from the list of the best heroes, increasing the rank of the tier list version 1.6.18 Zeys Mobile Legends (ML) this can certainly be one of your best choices. For those of you who are curious, just check it out below. Of course, it will be very important for you to understand and immediately practice in the future if you really want to be more consistent in ranking up.

By utilizing a hero who can be said to be in OP at this time, it will certainly be very smooth later on, your experience will increase in rank. Especially if you start to understand how to use the heroes here.

So if you want to be a better player, of course, you must also understand what heroes are strong. The tier list that Zeys summarized is also important because it is based on his experience as a coach.

The Best Hero Ranks Up Tier List Version 1.6.18 Zeys Mobile Legends

From this tier list, there are several heroes marked as SSS tier. This SSS tier is the highest tier and you could say they are the best heroes you can use right now. Interestingly, these heroes also sell well in the pro scene.

Here are some heroes that you can use here :


Beatrix is ​​a very terrible hero because she is the most powerful sidelane thug today. There is Poke, there is DPS, there is burst, there is escape, there is wave clear. The problem is that the factor mentioned earlier is that he is the most powerful hero in that sector.

Beatrix’s problem is not in the early game, not in the late game, the power spike is always high. This of course makes it a favorite of many people who understand how to use it either in the mid or gold lane. Must try the best hero to rank up the tier list version 1.6.18 Zeys Mobile Legends.


Yve then becomes Zeys’ hero of choice because it has a very high impact if played correctly. This is thanks to Yve’s very strong skillset if the user understands strong zoning techniques.

Yve has a very wide range of AoE damage. In addition, his damage is very high and difficult to withstand. This is what makes it very effective if the team is very compact in playing.


Hayabusa can also of course be one of the threat heroes for the opponent. This hero, if used in the right hands by fasthand players, can become one of the most powerful heroes in the game.

Hayabusa has poke, harass, burst, high mobility, and can split push. Whether in 1v1 or teamfight gank, he is also very strong. But it’s not easy to use this one hero.

Yi Sun-shin

YSS has a very important skill for the team, namely the ultimate. With the YSS ulti, he can open the map for the benefit of himself and the team. But not only that because YSS has very high damage.

YSS’s high damage is what makes it very scary if used properly. Thanks to his passive, he can do crit without stopping which is very scary if it can be used.

Now that’s the best hero to rank up in the tier list version 1.6.18 Zeys Mobile Legends which might be a reference for you later. Don’t let you not use these very strong heroes. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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