The difference between Damage Over Time and Burst Damage Mobile Legends?

This time understanding Damage Over Time and Burst Damage which is a term that you often encounter in Mobile Legends. ML players must know!

In the MOBA game there are certainly a lot of terms used in gameplay. Among the many terms that novices in mobile legends must know about. One of them is DOT and also Burst Damage.

On this occasion we will provide a review of the understanding of damage over time and burst damage. Before that you need to know what damage is first.

What is Damage in Mobile Legends

Damage is the number of attacks that you launch against an enemy. Damage given to the enemy will reduce the amount of HP it has. If damage is constantly received the HP will run out and that’s when the enemy will die.

Now that is the basic understanding of damage. After you know that, let’s just review the understanding of the meaning of damage over time and burst damage. Check out the review below!

Understanding Damage Over Time and Burst Damage

In the Mobile Legends game you know that there are two types of damage that are often encountered in a game. The two types of damage are damage over time and burst damage.

Damage Over Time

It is a type of damage that requires an interval of time to reach its total damage. And usually it has a greater amount of damage than burst damage.

A simple example of damage over time is the effect of a poison that will do damage within a certain time interval. You need to know that damage over time can not be used to kill an existing enemy instantly. The time lapse is needed to provide a fairly large amount of damage.

Burst Damage

Burst damage is a type of damage that can provide a large amount of damage directly. In contrast to damage over time which requires a certain amount of time to produce a large amount of damage.

Using burst damage can easily be used to kill enemies instantly. Usually this damage burst hero is a hero with role mages and assassins who can easily kill his enemies with a single combo.

But you need to know that burst damage is very dependent on where. So you need to calculate which one you have before launching burst damage at your opponent.

Now that’s a review of the understanding of damage over time and burst damage in the MOBA game. Hopefully this review can be useful for all of you and can be a good reference source for you guys! That is all and thank you.

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