The Difference between Ganking and Roaming in Mobile Legends! (ML)

Here we will discuss what is ganking, roamin, understanding, heroes, and counters. With this you will be able to play comfortably because you already understand the basics that you will need in the future.

If you have played Mobile Legends or other MOBAs, of course, you will often hear the terms ganking and roaming. You will often hear these two terms and of course you will do it in your Mobile Legends game. Then, what is the difference between Ganking ML and Roaming Mobile Legends! Here we will discuss what is ganking, roamin, understanding, heroes, and counters. With this you will be able to play comfortably because you already understand the basics that you will need in the future.

By knowing the basics of ganking and roaming you can use this technique to benefit and harm your opponent’s progress.


Ganking is often done to benefit from both gold and exp. A successful gank can give you an advantage in the game and also slow down your opponent’s progress when looking for gold and exp. In addition, with ganking, you will also be able to help lane friends who are having trouble and provide time lag to do push or objectives such as turtles and lords.

Ganking is also often done as an opponent’s counter push. When the opposing hero pushes too deep into your territory, they will lose vision and also a place to play it safe. You can launch a gank at them and block the push progress and also get easy kills. With this successful gank, you can give your other team members a break to do a split push.

Roaming Advantage

Roaming itself is a way to maintain space and also protect the existing core heroes. In addition, you can also do hunting while roaming. It’s just doing the hunt for heroes who already have a pretty good build.

Roaming is the basis for ganking your opponent. You can do ganking by moving lane according to the required lane. In addition, roaming is also one way to build-up your hero cores by making good space farming and laning for your core heroes. As a result, you will get a mobile legends hero core, you will be better at making build items and fast.


When doing ganking in general it can be done by all heroes in Mobile Legends. These heroes but there are some who really benefit when ganking. Heroes who really benefit when doing ganking are heroes who have CC such as stun, slow, silence, and disable. In addition, there are also heroes who benefit when doing ganks such as heroes who have high burst and mobility.

When doing a gank there are two roles that will be separated later. These two roles have more power when ganking. Roles that have an advantage when ganking are gankers and roamers.


As the name implies, gankers are heroes who have full power when they do ganking. These heroes are usually favored when dealing high damage that is fast or really strong when 1v1. The most important factor when ganking is to ambush an unprepared opponent and their opponent is 1v1, generally you have to aim for their hero core.

Some gankers in Mobile Legends such as tank gankers or assassins will depend on ganking on their farm. Usually they don’t eat so much gold and exp from creeps because by ganking they will get gold and exp also burdens the opponent’s hero.


If the ganker is a hero in charge of ganking in an aggressive way, then the roamer usually plays a safer game tempo. Roamers are tasked with opening the map and also gaining extensive map control, making it difficult for opponents to move freely. Usually roamer heroes are almost never silent in the lane and they will accompany other heroes such as gankers or heroes who will rotate.

Some roamers in Mobile Legends are required to have a fast MVSPD to move freely without problems and also they have a very strong CC or disable or are able to help kill other heroes.

That’s an explanation of ganks, gankers, and roamers in Mobile Legends. Both of these sub-roles will really need at least one on your team. Without a roamer and ganker, you will lose your position and control of your map where the enemy will move freely and can turn off your movements. In addition, roamers and gankers will be needed when you play tempo. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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