The Reason Clint Becomes the Strongest Burst Marksman in Mobile Legends (ML)

Clint is one of the most popular burst heroes. This hero has a long range to attack enemies with high burst damage. Movement skills with slow effects help him to run from enemies.

Many marksman heroes in Mobile Legends rely on burst damage like Clint or Lesley. However, there are many reasons why Clint is the strongest marksman burst among the other marksman heroes used. Clint is one of the most popular burst heroes. This hero has a long range to attack enemies with high burst damage. Movement skills with slow effects help him to run from enemies.

In Mobile Legends there are lots of marksman heroes to use in different ways of playing. Marksman with burst damage is currently being used a lot, because it has high damage with one shot.

Clint is a marksman hero with high burst damage and a long range, making him deal high damage from a distance. With a shot that can penetrate the enemy, he can attack more than one target.

There are many reasons why Clint is the strongest marksman burst in Mobile Legends to use. This Marksman is very strong because it has a skill that can give high damage to the enemy.

High Burst Damage

The burst damage from Clint’s passive is very high, making the enemy receive high damage from his basic attack. By utilizing the skills he has, Clint can finish off the enemy quickly.

Basic Attack That Penetrates the Target

Thanks to his passive skill, Clint can attack more than one target because of the basic attack that penetrates the enemy. Skills from items and so on that should attack 1 target, can now hit more than 1.

Far Range

Clint’s range is far from his passive. By using this passive skill, you can poke enemies from a distance in the early game easily using this skill he has.

Ultimate Stackable

Clint’s Ultimate can be stacked so he can use it continuously. In addition to having a long range with high damage, you can also use it to activate passive skills to attack enemies.

That’s the reason why Clint is the best marksman burst in Mobile Legends. This hero in addition to having a far range to attack enemies, the damage given is also very high for enemies who are hit by his basic attack. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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