The Reason High Loves to Use Strange Junglers in Mobile Legends (ML)

Call it Karina tank and Baxia jungle which he popularized. Besides that, there are other heroes that High likes to use when he plays in MPL ID season 8 with Aura Fire.

Maybe if you look at the pro Mobile Legends scene, the High hero was weird. Apparently there is a reason High likes to use strange jungles in Mobile Legends (ML), which is because of the hero skills he uses. Call it Karina tank and Baxia jungle which he popularized. Besides that, there are other heroes that High likes to use when he plays in MPL ID season 8 with Aura Fire.

This is explained by High in Empetalk with Jonathan Liandi. In terms of the hero pool, High is quite broad, but that’s not all. The heroes used by High are often strange and fairly new.

The Reason High Loves to Use Strange Junglers in Mobile Legends

For High, as long as the hero has high mobility then he will like to play it. For example, Karina and Baxia are indeed very fast in doing rotations. Later it’s just a matter of itemization for jungling.

I prefer fast mobility. If the heroes can rotate quickly, that’s what I prefer. So if you want any hero, whether it’s a mage, support, whatever it is, if he has high mobility, I use a jungler.

So for those of you who don’t know, High if he uses a non marksman hero or assassin as a jungler, he can be said to play as a jungle tempo. Roughly not as a core, even more inclined towards semi support or greedy support because of farming.

This proved to be effective where High several times used strange heroes and was successful in the pro scene. With this very unique playing style, many teams even have trouble because they don’t know how to fight it. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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