The Story of Martis Mobile Legends (ML)

On this occasion we will provide an explanation of the story of Martis Mobile Legends.

The story of Martis Mobile Legends is great and interesting to listen to! Martis is one of the fighter heroes in Mobile Legends who has attack skills with considerable damage. This hero fighter in addition to having considerable damage, he also has a fairly good level of durability. On this occasion we will provide an explanation of the story of Martis Mobile Legends.

Martis himself is a fighter hero who uses dual sword weapons to defeat his enemies. Even though it is quite strong, this fighter hero is included in the under-rated hero category in Mobile Legends because it is rarely used in gameplay. Martis is actually still strong enough to be used as an offliner in the current meta season 17 of Mobile Legends. Most of you probably still don’t know the background of the Martis hero in Mobile Legends. We will discuss the story of Martis Mobile Legends here for you.

The Story of Martis Mobile Legends

It is said that there is a clan called the Shura Clan in Mobile Legends. The Shura Clan itself is a Clan that has grown in isolation for countless generations. The men from these Shura Clans were renowned for being the bravest warriors in the world, and the women from their Shura Clans for being the greatest beauties.

In the main belief of the Shura Clan there is a legend called the Three Thousand Worlds. This legend tells the story of the Secret World for Three Thousand years. One has to face various levels of psychic trials and advance to the world after this world itself has gained a victory.

It was these people from the Shura Clan who had found a way to enter this world. And only those who managed to conquer the three thousand worlds would get the title of Ashura. But in the Three Thousand Sura Clan’s history, no one has succeeded in conquering all of them.

The Story of Martis Mobile Legends

In his strong ambition and determination, the story of Martis ML trains every day diligently and diligently. He did it all in his life to grow into a strong figure. Martis continued to break through the world which if he succeeded in conquering all of them would become a strong Ashura figure. No one knows how many years it will be before Martis reaches the final secret world.

Even though he had experienced several defeats, Martis’ determination did not waver and made him try even harder to achieve his goal, to become the strongest Ashura. Martis finally fought with the devil from the secret world and he managed to conquer his Three Tounsand World Secret. Since then he has become the “Ashura King” who commands as many as tens of Million Ashuras who have high determination and enthusiasm.

So that’s the explanation of the Martis Mobile Legends story that we have discussed. Hopefully useful and can be a good reference source for all of you. Read the story above so you can find out who this Martis figure is in Mobile Legends! Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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