Tips for Lane Rotation Mobile Legends

Rotation is a change of position to another place be it lane or jungle.

In playing Mobile Legends, of course, maintaining the lane will be very important. By pushing your creep further towards your opponent’s base, your chances of winning will be higher. But sometimes when the current lane is going well, the other members’ lane is not. Therefore rotation is very important.

Rotation is a change of position to another place be it lane or jungle. Keep in mind you have to go back to your lane to keep from getting pushed. With good rotation, you can maintain the advantage and balance of the lane. It is very important for you to understand the important things in rotation.

With the Good rotation you can benefit your team. By locking the opponent’s movements and pushing the difficult lane can be the key in the late game later. Not to mention that with a good rotation you can get gold and exp benefits.

Here, tips on lane rotation in Mobile Legends. It is very important for you to understand even what your role is. The right rotation can give you a huge gaming advantage. Therefore, you must understand it completely.

Here’s how to rotate and some ML tips when rotating lane mobile legends:

1. Know your Role


Before doing the rotation you must understand your role first. Actually, the heroes who will often rotate are the support roamer, jungler / assassin, or midlaner. Other lanes will depend on the situation. If you play using marksman you don’t have to rotate too far. You just keep the lane and take some gold from the jungle.

2. Make sure your lane is safe


Before you rotate, make sure your lane is safe. What this means is that you have to pay attention to your lane before recklessly helping other lanes. The main thing is that you have to clean your wave creep. This is so that you will not be crushed by the lane when rotating. If you don’t clean it, you will also lose some gold and exp.

3. Help moderately


Don’t overextended. This is the most fatal mistake and is often made by many people. When you do, try to do everything sparingly like trying to gank or harassing. Don’t be too long on other people’s lanes because you will deposit their exp and gold. Besides that your lane will be crushed and you will get ambushed or gank when you return.

4. Don’t Force Yourself


When rotating, don’t push yourself. Prioritize efficiency when rotating. Don’t wait too long or suck up exp and gold for too long. The reason is that you have to take advantage of the tempo by doing things that are efficient. Don’t waste time and rest. You must be a player who controls the pace of the game.

Those are some tips for lane rotation in Mobile Legends. By utilizing the right rotation technique, you can better manage your game and grab the tempo. Also follow our social media on Instagram.

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