Update Original Server Mobile Legends March 16, 2021 (ML)

Esportsku this time will provide a summary of the upcoming update of the Original Server Mobile Legends March 16, 2021. So what will be present at the latest udpate this time? Check out the full review!

As you know, Moonton provided information that there will be an Original Server Mobile Legends update on March 16, 2021. This time provides various adjustments such as buff and nerf for several heroes and others. Esportsku this time will provide a summary of the upcoming update of the Original Server Mobile Legends March 16, 2021. So what will be present at the latest udpate this time? Check out the full review!

The update that is given this time will have a significant impact on meta in Mobile Legens, because several meta heroes in the M2 tournament are now getting nerfed which makes it possible to be out on the meta hero list.

In addition to the buff and nerf heroes, in this update, Moonton will also provide some changes to items and gameplay later, which this update will release on March 16, 2012 on the Original Server.

There are three main points in the latest update, including buff and nerf heroes, item adjustments, and also the battlefield in Mobile Legends. Here’s the complete information!

Buff and Hero Nerf Mobile Legends

First there is the Bane hero who gets a significant buff at the upcoming udpate. Moonton strives for this hero to become one of the meta heroes in Mobile Legends on the upcoming udpate.

In addition, there are adjustments for Vale heroes and also buffs for Auroroa heroes, which you can read through the image above. Now with this buff it will make two heroes, especially Aurora and Bane, get the meta hero rations.

The next hero who gets the buff is Terizla, we have discussed this buff information beforehand,. So this time he will appear on the Original Server on March 16th. Surely Terizla will be a quite OP hero.

Next there are Brody and Silvanna, these two heroes were meta heroes at the M2 tournament yesterday so Moonton gave the two heroes a proper nerf which might make him replaced by another hero.

It doesn’t stop there, there are Benedetta, Wanwan, Esmeralda, Johnson, and Yi Sun Shin who also get nerfed in the upcoming latest update. Now it’s quite unfortunate that the hero Wanwan who just got the latest skin now has to be nerfed.

The most interesting thing is Yi Sun Shin, who gets a quite significant nerf, this is because this marksman hero is indeed very OP, especially in tournaments, Yi Sun Shin is the top pick hero.

New Items and Battlefields

It doesn’t stop there, on the latest March 16 update there will also be the latest updates for several items such as Qeens Wings, Immortality, Clock of Destiny and Jungle items. Apart from that, the battlefield also received significant changes.

So that’s it for the original Mobile Legends server update on March 16, 2021. Hopefully the reviews above can be useful especially for those of you who are Mobile Legends gamers. See you later. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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