Will Exp Lane Become Meta in Mobile Legends (ML)?

On this occasion we will provide an explanation of the latest update for heroes in the Exp lane who get buffs.

On Project Next Mobile Legends there are several updates in terms of laning in a gameplay. EXP Lane is one of the lanes that are present in the Next project and has very good uses. This time will Exp Lane be Meta in Mobile Legends (ML)? On this occasion we will provide an explanation of the latest update for heroes in the Exp lane who get buffs.

What is EXP Lane? Most of you may not know about EXP Lane in Mobile Legends.

Exp Lane is one of the lanes that will give you more Exp when playing on this lane. The Exp Lane itself is a lane that is located close to the turtle’s first spawn location. In general, the Exp lane itself is suitable for heroes with fighter or tank roles in Mobile Legends.

Will Exp Lane Become Meta in Mobile Legends (ML)?

Currently the Exp laner can be used by heroes who have any role in Mobile Legends. We often find Fighter heroes who fill the Exp Laner but currently Tanks and Mage can also fill the Lane.

Some of these heroes in the latest update are currently getting quite a significant buff. With this buff given by Moonton, is there a sign that the Exp lane will become Meta for now? the following is a row of heroes that will be buffed later.

So that’s an explanation of whether Exp Lane will be a Meta in Mobile Legends in the future. Hopefully useful and can be a good reference source for all of you. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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