Appearance of Skin Collector Esmeralda Light Envoy Mobile Legends (ML)

The new things in the Mobile Legends game are definitely exciting enough for you to play. In this discussion, we will explain the topic of the Esmeralda Light Envoy Mobile Legends (ML) Skin Collector Appearance. Of course you can find out what it looks like.

If you often play the MLBB game yourself, you will definitely agree that this game is also quite cool with various updates that are continuously present in the game from various new content.

You can also see several skins for this game which are certainly interesting to know what the skins look like, especially their appearance or skill effects.

Build Item Mobile Legends Esmeralda

Before the detailed explanation in the article below, maybe you can also look at the list of all Mobile Legends (MLBB) Collector Skins , because you might be able to find out what the skins look like.

Hero Esmeralda herself is one of the mages who is usually used as an explainer, her characteristic is that she has a shield skill and also has quite high durability in use.

Users of the heroes in the game also certainly agree that the existing skins can make the hero’s appearance cooler, such as the Collector skin type.

Why the Collector skin? because the Collector skin is one of the best skins in terms of effects and appearance, plus to get it you have to have a large number of diamonds.

In the following article, we will provide an explanation of the appearance of the skin for the Esmeralda hero with the Collector Light Envoy type in MLBB, you will be able to understand this later and definitely understand this time.

Therefore, you can immediately look at the article below, of course, to understand what the Collector type looks like for the heroes in the game this time.

Appearance of Skin Collector Esmeralda Light Envoy Mobile Legends (ML)

With the Collector skin from the Esmeralda Light Envoy hero, as you can see this time it is really cool, with an Astrologer nuance for the Mobile Legends game this time.

You can also see the appearance of this hero with astrologer ornaments and the addition of gold and blue this time really makes the queen of the cosmos quite luxurious this time.

How to Get the Esmeralda Light Envoy Skin in Mobile Legends (ML)

In the skill effects given, the hero Esmeralda who uses the solar moon is also very cool this time for the effects given and the color combination of each skill.

This skin will be released in the MLBB game itself in June 2022 through the Grand Collection event, which is an event that you can try to participate in to get a Collector type skin.

Because with the Collector skin type, players can get this skin if you have prepared approximately 5000 diamonds to have when doing the gacha.

The hero Esmeralda herself is a hero who is often used as an explainer and is said to be quite good to use, because she has high durability to withstand damage to enemies.

Most Expensive Esmeralda Skin in Mobile Legends (ML)

Maybe later the hero Esmeralda will get another skin after having almost 7 skins for that hero, so you players, especially those with your favorite hero Esmeralda, will be able to appear.

Likewise, from the explanation, players for the MLBB game will definitely be able to find out this time and what do you think about the appearance of the Collector skin for the Esmeralda hero in the game.

That’s also a brief explanation about the appearance of the Collector Esmeralda Light Envoy skin in the MLBB game this time. What do you think about the explanation in the article, is it interesting?