Can’t Buy RRQ Battle Emote in Mobile Legends (ML)?

 Mobile Legends is definitely providing lots of new things in the game. This time we will discuss the RRQ Battle Emote. Can’t you buy it in Mobile Legends (  ML )? That way you can understand what it will be like.

Of course, for games like Mobile Legends, there are lots of interesting things you can try to find out. For example, some of the content in the game is certainly new enough for you to see later.

If later you want to know what the discussion is like in more detail, you can just look at the article below, but before that there’s no harm if you want to see about Squad Names in Mobile Legends

Regarding the discussion this time, you will know that the RRQ Battle Emote cannot be purchased in the MLBB game. If you are curious about this, you can just look at the discussion below.

Can’t Buy RRQ Battle Emote in Mobile Legends (ML)?

Through the latest news on the teamrrq official Instagram social media account, they announced that the RRQ Battle Emote is no longer available on MLBB starting from May 27 2024. Players who want to buy the team’s battle emote are no longer able to.

However, if players have previously purchased the battle emote, you can still continue to use it. In other words, the battle emote for the RRQ team itself will be limited later.

As stated in the post, it is clear that the RRQ team itself has collaborated with other game publishers and decided to withdraw from the battle emote program.

This is of course also information for MLBB players regarding the RRQ battle emote which cannot be purchased in the game this time. So when you play, you can find out what the latest update is like. 

That’s how we explained earlier about the RRQ battle emote which cannot be purchased in the MLBB game this time. Of course, that way you can find out and what do you think about the discussion?