Comparison of Damage 4 Melee Weapons in PUBG Mobile

PUBG Mobile provides 4 melee weapons with different specifications, namely crowbar (crowbar), machete (machete), pan (pan), sickle (sickle).


There are 4 melee weapons available in the PUBG Mobile game. This time we will provide a comparison of the damage to 4 melee weapons at PUBG Mobile in the following article.

PUBG Mobile is a battle royale game that provides military weapons and equipment complete with detailed specifications.

This makes each weapon have different stats and uses even though it is in the same class or type of weapon.


Comparison of Damage 4 Melee Weapons in PUBG Mobile

damage comparison of 4 melee weapons

One of the weapons available at PUBG Mobile is a melee weapon, which is a weapon used at close range.

It takes courage to be able to approach the enemy and attack him using this melee weapon.

Melee weapon here means not a firearm that uses bullets but rather a weapon that is used by hitting, slashing, and so on.


PUBG Mobile provides 4 melee weapons with different specifications, namely crowbar (crowbar), machete (machete), pan (pan), sickle (sickle).

damage comparison of 4 melee weapons

The following is a comparison of the damage to 4 melee weapons available in the game, which we took from PUBG Gamepedia .


1. Crowbar (crowbar)

This is a crowbar which in real life is usually used to pull out a nail stuck somewhere. and provided in this game with damage to the head of 90 and damage to the body of 60.


2. Machete (Parang)

Machete is machete in real life used for cutting and slashing. Depending on context of using  machete, what it used to cut.

Machetes provided in PUBG Mobile game with damage to the head of 150 and damage to the body of 60.


3.Pan (pot)

Pan is cooking pot with wide, flat skillet that commonly used as cooking utensil in real life.

The pot provided in this battle royale game with damage to head of 200 and damage to body of 80.


4. Sickle (Celurit)

Sickle is sickle in real life used to cut. Usually used by farmers when working to plant vegetation in rice fields.

Celurit provided in PUBG Mobile game by having attack damage to head of 150 and to body of 60.


The Strongest and Weakest Melee Weapons

damage comparison of 4 melee weapons

From the description above, it can be seen that pan is the melee weapon that has the greatest damage. For attacks on the head by 200 and for the body by 80.

You can get a kill by using the pan to attack the enemy in the head. Pan is indeed famous for his deadly damage.

Then from the description above, it can be seen that the crowbar (crowbar) is the weakest melee weapon. Crowbar only has 90 damage to the head and 60 only to the body.


That is the comparison of the damage to 4 melee weapons available in the PUBG Mobile game. Follow the latest information and news about the world of esports only at Esportsku !