Event Friend Referral Diamond Yellow in Mobile Legends (ML), Prizes & How to Get Them!

Mobile Legends is clear that the game continues to release several new updates. Like this time, you can find out about the Yellow Diamond Mobile Legends (ML) Friend Referral Event, Prizes & How to Get It! Of course you can see this.

You can also see the players for the Mobile Legends game with the latest content in the game. Moreover, with several events that have been released, you can definitely try them.

To know what the discussion will be like, you can just look at the article later, but before that you can also find out about this discussion regarding Squad Names in Mobile Legends

This time you can find out about the discussion of the Yellow Diamond Friend Referral Event for the MLBB game. Of course, you can find out what it will be like by looking directly at the discussion this time.

Event Friend Referral Diamond Yellow in Mobile Legends (ML)

The latest update this time from Mobile Legends game leakers is that there is a Friend Referral event where you can get yellow diamonds later. This event is definitely very interesting for you to take part in.

It is not yet known what the release for this event will be, because the nearest yellow diamond event will be around October or November. This is still a question and is still on the advance server.

Prizes Event Friend Referral

Talking about the prizes themselves, later you can get a total of 400 yellow diamonds if you have completed all the missions. Apart from yellow diamonds, you can get rare fragments later.

Indeed, this event will definitely be an attraction for players in the future. So, maybe some of you want to know how to get it, you can see the discussion below.

How to Get Prizes 

Login Game

The first thing you can do later is to log into the MLBB game according to the event to be released.

Buka Event Friend Referral

Later you will be able to open the event and you can immediately look for the Friend Referral event, so you can know what missions need to be completed.

Complete the Mission

Next, you can complete the missions required for this event, where the mission is to invite your friends to play the MLBB game.

Prize Already Owned

After you have completed all the missions, you can claim the prize, of course that way you can get prizes such as yellow diamonds.

That’s the information that MLBB players can find out this time about what the Yellow Diamond Friend Referral event is like. Of course, that way you can understand and you can immediately get the prize.

Earlier we explained what the yellow Diamond Friend Referral event is like in the MLBB game. It’s clear that you can understand it and what do you think about the discussion?